This Blog in mainly for those that ride regularly with Bike To Nature. Anyone is welcome to comment.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Saturday Ride

You guys asked for a Blog site here it is. Blog away.


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Anonymous said...

5:30 at the pig sounds like the right time.(if work permits me) Let's start thinking about what day we want to call BEER Ride night.

Anonymous said...

The Assault on Little Mtn. is Sat. Everybody wear their BTN jerseys and lets get together in the parking lot for the mass start, after that.....?
See you Sat. morning.

Anonymous said...

The Assault on Little Mtn. was Sat. and although the weather looked threatening it actually turned out to be a great day; no rain, cool, a bit too windy but manageable.
Hop, BC, and I completed the century with Hop taking the honors with a 19+avg. in the 'A' group. Barry and I hung on for about 30 miles but eventually faded and finished up with a 17.6 avg. Not bad for two old guys riding into the wind most of the day.
Wish we could have seen more of the BTN group. The format for the ride changed this year and I think most of you would enjoy it. The ride started in Little Mtn. with four loops from the staging area. Keep it in mind for next year and give it a try. With gas costs these days we need more of these rides close by and our support will help keep it going.
Take care.

surfyaker said...

Ah yes fellow Sunset Cyclists, the "Assault on Little Mountan" was really good this year, despite the wind. I think it's obvious that a great temperature can make for a great ride! It was also obvious that the threat of rain can keep a lot of avid cyclists at home! The day was, for the most part, overcast all morning and but it did NOT rain! Nice temp, I believe it hovered just below 70. Even with the wind being in our faces a lot of the time, and the pour team turnout, "Team BTN" did well!

Here are the stats:

Dist.-101miles(!); Time-5:13:41; Avg.Spd.-19.4mph; Max.Spd.-36.8mph; Avg.HrtRt.-152bpm; Max.HrtRt.-177bpm; and FIVE THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED and SIXTY ONE CALORIES BURNED!!

Like "jocdoc" said, this years Assault" was really a good ride! Instead of one huge loop, there were several smaller loops all beginning and ending at the same place! Really cool! Also, they somehow avoided "killer hills" and made it a rather level ride! A real feat for this part of the country! Put this ride on your calendar as a "must ride" for next year! You'll love it!

Next up is the "Tour de Leaves" in Tryon NC! This is a metric century going through some really scenic countryside around Tryon and Saluda NC! These folks have also avoided "killer hills" on this years route and the leaves will, no doubt, be beautiful! If you can do it, I highly recommend this ride. It's easy to get to - just get on I-26 and drive two hours to Tryon at exit 36, then left a couple of mile to Harmon Field recreation area.

After that, there is the "Pathways Connects Century" in Yemassee and the "Rivers Bridge Ramble" in Orangburg, unfortunately on the same day!

Again, like "jocdoc" said, we wish we could have seen more of the BTN group at this event! Sunset Cyclists need to be making a bigger showing at these rides, especially the local rides! And speaking of making a showing, I've noticed no one has commented on Dave's jersey design. I think it's a pretty good one and if you don't like it, I think, if prompted to do so, he can put up the one I designed (at least I think he can!) Then we'll have two to vote on! Let's get together and get a jersey we can be proud to wear while riding all these great rides!

Don't forget Wednesday night at the "378 Pig"! Be there a.s.a.p. so that we can leave as close to 5:30 as we can!

Until next time, BE SAFE OUT THERE!

surfyaker said...

Hi de Ho neighbors!

Man, this weather is just outstanding! The days are indeed getting shorter, but there is still time to do the “usual route” on Wednesday afternoons! Of course, we need to start earlier (at 5:30!) but these temperatures really make the riding great! We had five people show up to ride at 5:30 We actually didn’t leave the parking lot until 5:40 but we still made it back with PLENTY of light left! Even with only five people, we still managed to make two groups.

Here are the stats for the lead group:

Dist.-22.49 miles; Time-1:04:08; Avg.Spd.-20.6mph; Max.Spd.-35.5mph; Avg.Hrtrt.-166bpm; Max.Hrtrt.-176bpm; and ONE THOUSAND, THREE HUNDRED SIXTY SIX calories burned!! Oh yeah!

The leaves are beginning to change colors and soon the days will indeed become too short for the Wednesday evening rides, so come on out and enjoy what we have left! This time of year is too, too good not to take full advantage of every little minute we have! AND, remember, when that last ride comes around (we’ll play it by ear, here) we will have our “End of the Season Beer Ride.” After the ride, we’ll gather at “Carolina Wings,” or some place like that (post suggestions, please!) and, if you don’t want to, it’s not necessary that you drink beer to attend, just be there to enjoy good food, camaraderie and share stories and memories of what has been a fantastic riding season! Stay tuned for the actual date to be posted.

Speaking of the leaves beginning to change colors, this Saturday is the "Tour de Leaves" in Tryon, NC. I am heading up there and the ride starts at 9:00am so I'll probably leave about 6:00am to make sure that I'll be there in plenty of time to register. If anyone is interested in going, let me know.

Well, that’s all for now! Until next time, BE CAREFUL OUT THERE!

Anonymous said...

Did everyone see the avg. speed of that front group? 20.6 is really movin. I believe that is the reason for 2 groups. Still the second group averaged 18.3. (not bad) Hop was right the weather was perfect, the company is always good, and a great way to releive some stress in the middle of the week.

Hope to see everyone again next wed.

surfyaker said...

WOW! What can I say? WOW!! This years "Tour de Leaves" was a great ride! I must admit, I drove up there the night before in the rain wondering if I had made a mistake! I woke up at about 6:00am and the rain was still pouring down but when my alarm came up at 7:00am, it had stopped! When I got up and looked outside, I couldn't see a thing! It was so foggy you could cut it with a knife!

As I made the drive down the mountain to Harmon Field, where the ride began, the fog cleared to reveal a beautiful morning! Temperature was perfect! I wore about the same thing as I did in the "Assault on Little Mountain," just a regular jersey and shorts with arm warmers. I figured that with the climbing I would be doing that this combination would be sufficient and I was right!

The riders left Harmon Field and 9:00am sharp to find that police and volunteers were directing traffic so that the riders didn't have to stop at any intersections or sharp turns! They could just blast right on through stop signs and stop lights without even thinking! That was cool! The riders went through really beautiful country such as the Greenville Watershed and the Green River Cove areas while the leaves were changing colors and falling as we rode. Exiting the Green River Cove area the riders were challenged by a nasty, steep, switchbacking climb out of the cove. But from here on out the climbs were not nearly as difficult and the riders wound around the the hills and backroads, eventually finding themselves back in Saluda NC.

In Saluda the riders made a right turn onto the famous "Saluda Grade" which took them all the way back into Tryon. The railroad that goes along this "grade" was, for a long time, if not still, known as the steepest railroad track in the U.S., if not the world! So, it's not hard to imagine that the ride from Saluda back to Tryon was a scream, literally! I was in the mid 40's to near 50 mph a lot of the time on this descent!

Yep, this is a great ride! A real classic! Seriously, this is a ride you really want to do! Make sure you put it on your calendar for next year!

Here are the stats:

Total Dist.-66miles; Total Time-3:33:15; Avg.Spd.-18.4; Max.Spd.-46.4mph; Avg.Hrtrt.-154bpm; Max.Hrtrt.-177bpm; Total Ascent - 4255 feet and FOUR THOUSAND, TWO HUNDRED, FIFTY FIVE calories burned! SWEEEEEEEEEEEEET!!!!

I figure we have at least two more good Wednesday evening rides left. Try to be at the "Pig" early enough to leave no later than 5:30 and we should still have ample light to do the "Usual Route!" And, don't forget, the "Tour de Nantahala", another classic road ride, is this coming Saturday!

Until next time friends and neighbors, BE CAREFUL OUT THERE!

Anonymous said...

What time is the Sat. morning group pulling out these days? I haven't made it in awhile and hopefully will be there this Saturday.

surfyaker said...

Alrighty! I know I've said a bunch before, but I really love this time of year. The crystal clear skys, the low humidity, the crisp temperatures, the changing color of the's what I look for as cyclist! This kind of weather makes me ride harder with what seems less effort! That's what I'm all about, less effort!

Four of us showed up to ride yesterday at the "Pig" and, speaking of less effort, we did some really good "pace-line training". Even with the headwind on the way back in we still averaged 18.8mph! And, with this wonderful weather, I didn't break a sweat! It was a great ride, as all Wednesday evening rides tend to be.

Here are the stats:

Dist-22.51miles; Total Time-1:12:09; Avg.Spd.-18.8mph; Max.Spd.-36.76mph; Avg.Hrtrt.-146bpm; Max. Hrtrt.-172; and one thousand, four hundred, five calories burned! Not too shabby! Not too shabby at all!

As much as I do love this time of the year, it does come with one major thing I do NOT love......... the shorter days. We got back to the parking lot at about fifteen minutes to 7:00 and, while there was still plenty of light, the sun had already gone down. That's right, our Wednesday evening rides are quickly coming to an end. I believe that with the time change rapidly approaching, next Wednesday will be our last opportunity for this great ride. Make sure you make the effort to come out for this last Wednesday night ride and help plan for the "End of the Season Beer Ride." We've had such a great season, with many tales to recount, we definitely need to make this happen!

As for the Saturday morning "Shop Rides", Dave is in Isreal for a couple of weeks so he won't be there but I understand there is still a group that will be meeting early enough to try to leave the Shop parking lot at 7:45. Unfortunately, I won't be able to make this Saturday's ride either as I will be off to the mountains of North Carolina to tackle the "Tour de Nantahala!" Wish me luck!

Until next time, as always, BE CAREFUL OUT THERE!

Anonymous said...

I'm on grandchildren sitting duty Sat. so won't make the ride but do plan to go Sunday afternoon if anyone is interested. Leave about 4:30 for 30 or so miles. Will meet anywhere.

dktarmac said...

Who is riding in the morning?...seems like a lot of people are out of town. I am back after three weeks of travel.

dktarmac said...

Ok...Today was Paris Roubaix for DK. Showed up at the shop at 7:45..Nowone No big deal, went home and took off from the driveway. 35 miles over long stretches of debris covered roads from last night's storm. Branches, leaves, pine cones you name it. In many areas it was like riding a single track mountain bike trail.

Probably wouldnt have been safe in a testosterone filled group ride.

Had to take the hose pipe to the bike and myself before I could enter the house. Awesome day.

surfyaker said...

Hi de Ho, friends and neighbors!

Well, I made it back from the “Tour de Nantahala” late Sunday evening, all in one piece! Just like the previous weekend when I drove up to the mountains for the “Tour de Leaves” last Friday afternoon, I left town wondering if I was making a BIG mistake! The rain was coming down in buckets and the wind that made the “Saturday Shop Ride,” into what DK called the “Paris to Roubaix,” was in full swing! I really wondered if I should be on the road! However, I did make it up to the Nantahala Outdoor Center about the time the rain stopped.

I awoke the next morning to find that the rain was still holding off and the temp was a balmy 55 degrees and not the 33 or 45 degrees that I had expected from earlier forecasts. It was foggy and the clouds still hung low and heavy with rain. Even though, a good crowd gathered in front of the “Rivers End” restaurant to start the “Tour de Nantahala.” Since the weather was much warmer than I expected, I wore only a regular jersey with arm warmers and bib knickers. I felt plenty warm in what I had on.

As the 106.2 mile ride began, I noticed several people from the Columbia area, however, I was the only representative of the Sunset Cyclists! With no rain and a good temperature, I quickly found my rhythm as we made our way up the gorge towards Robbinsville. Even though it looked like it could still rain at any time, the ride began very nicely and I was actually able to enjoy the changing leaves and actually take some pictures of the riders as they wound their way along the Nantahala River. This stretch of road makes for really nice riding until you get to the end of the gorge where the road gets steeper and climbs out of the gorge. Here I really broke a sweat trying to maintain what was probably an unreasonable pace at this point, but I persevered and made the turn onto the road to Robbinsville.

The road to Robbinsville is another valley road that is fast and beautiful. The clouds were still blocking any hope of sunlight and were still looking as if they really wanted to rain on us. No sunlight, sweaty clothes and a really fast pace made for a very cold ride into town. Thinking that the sun would come out soon, I left my jacket, vest and any other article of additional clothing that I owned back in my truck. Not good. I felt like I was hypothermic by the time I got to town. This is the only time that I have ever really wished for a long, hard climb like Stecoah Gap, which was, fortunately for me, up next! As the road steepened I began to warm up and the clouds also began to part and the sun began to shine. All was right with the world again! The climb here is long and plenty steep but not as steep as the Wayah Mountain climb that awaits the riders at mile 75 but still very challenging nonetheless. This climb comes at mile 35 and climbs about 1065 feet from the valley floor before releasing you to a long, long, long and very fast downhill respite on the other side of the mountain. From here it is a fun ride on to the next SAG station at mile 45 at the turn to Franklin.

From this point, it is a really fun ride along the Tuckaseegee River all the way to Franklin. Fast banking turns without the killer climbs make this my favorite part of the ride, however, as they say, "all good things must come to an end!" At mile 65 in downtown Franklin is the next SAG station, one of two that I felt were necessary! This SAG station marks the beginning of the grueling part of the ride. From Franklin you begin to climb up Wayah Mountain to the top. Initially, there are a few stout climbs with a brief reprieve on the other side, but once you are truly on the mountain, you are committed (or should I say, you SHOULD be committed!) to an arduous, unrelenting, mind bending, climb that never lets up, it only gets more difficult as you get closer to the top. The climbing begins at an elevation of about 1750 and climbs to an elevation 4080 feet for a total elevation gain of 2330 feet. The entire climb is about 7 miles long with the real gut busting part of the climb going on for about 4 miles. For these last 4 miles, the climbing is unrelenting. There is no level part, no downhill, (however slight), it just keeps getting steeper as you near the top. As if to add salt into a gaping wound, you can look up and just see the road switch-backing its way to the top. This is where, I must be honest…..I wimped, I totally wimped! Fortunately for me, my SAG vehicle had strategically positioned itself just after the switchbacks began and I decided to cut my losses and jump into the truck and be driven the last two miles to the top! This is a climb I have done before but I have to tell you, when you’re watching all the folks with triple rings and compact rings spin right on up leaving you in the dust, it can take all the wind out of your sails! (I’ve already talked to Doug about getting compact rings!) At any rate, I got back on the bike at the top and tore off down the other side and back down the gorge to that Nantahala Outdoor Center where I found that I finished at nineteenth place out of 38 that did the 106.2 mile ride. I figured I’d take this a victory for me as I completed this ride two miles per hour faster than I had done this ride before! Even with wimping out on Wayah Mountain!

Here are the stats:

Dist.-104.97 miles; Time-6:07:59; Avg.Spd.-17.1mph; Max.Spd.-47.6mph; Avg.Hrtrt.-147bpm; Max.Hrtrt.-175bpm; Total Ascent- 8681ft; and a whopping SEVEN THOUSAND, THIRTY EIGHT calories burned! Unbelievable!

It really was a beautiful ride, yet another to put on your ride calendar for next year! Speaking of a ride calendar, because the time will change on November third (I think!) this season’s last Wednesday evening ride is upon us! The sun will probably set at about 6:30 so if we’re going to get an hour in, we MUST leave the parking lot no later than 5:30 this Wednesday. Also, we may have to cut the ride a little short (or just ride as hard as we can!) but at the very least, we all need to have tail lights for our ride back in. Come on out and ride the season’s last Wednesday evening ride! Also, remember that we need to plan our “End of the Season Beer Ride!” We need some suggestions, recommendations, and ideas! Go ahead and post ‘em!! Put 'em out there! Let's hear 'em!

Until next time, BE CAREFUL OUT THERE!!

Anonymous said...

Byron and I are going to try and leave at 5:20, it's getting dark early. This should be the last wednesday night ride so everyone break out the cold weather gear and lets have a good size group. I'm sure you faster riders like Hop will be able to catch us even if you leave at 5:30.

As for the beer ride I would be happy just having a few this wednesday right after the ride at Goodfella's. In order to get more of the group we may just have to meet one night, anywhere near lexington is good with me. Somebody put up some suggestions.

surfyaker said...

Sounds good to me! Goodfella's after the ride tonight! You certainly can't get more convenient than Goodfella's! We need to back in the parking lot no later than 6:45 to make the most of the light, after that, we have no business being on the road as it will be dark!

To that end, the "Usual Route" is 22.5 miles which means we need only average about 17mph to do this! When we did the "paceline training" last Wednesday night, we averaged over 18mph, 18.8...I think! So, if we don't make the usual stops, getting back by 6:45 should be easy to do, even if we leave the parking lot at 5:30, but no later than 5:30!

See you all tonight!

surfyaker said...

Since Daylight Savings Time ends this Sunday, yesterday's ride was our last Wednesday Evening Ride of the Season and what a good ride it was! Beautiful, clear skies and temps cool enough to bring some riders out in their finest winter gear!! Four of us showed up to usher out the season and race the setting sun! We needed to maintain at least a 17.5mph average to get back into the parking lot before dark. To ensure that, we made a right turn out of the parking lot which cut off about 1.2 miles from the "Usual Route." Of course we easily managed required average, even with a short stop at Priceville Road and then again at the stoplight at Hwy 1. These temps sure make it easier to go faster!

Here are the stats:

Dist.-21.34miles; Time-1:10:09; Avg.Spd.-18.25mph; Max.Spd.-43.32mph; Avg.Hrtrt.-149bpm; Max.Hrtrt.-174bpm. and ONE THOUSAND, TWO HUNDRED, NINETY SIX calories burned! That's what it's all about!! Oh yeah!

After the ride, three of us lingered at "Goodfella's," which is right there in the "Pig" parking lot, to enjoy some wings and ale and recount the seasons riding adventures and riding in general. Since there were so few of us on this last ride, I propose that we pick a night when we can ALL get together to eat, drink, be merry and, of course, talk cycling! There have been WAY TOO MANY interesting "happenings" this season to talk about! We could get together at a local restaraunt/pub, sacrifice something on the grill at someone's house, or have an oyster roast somewhere, the possibilities are endless!

This is a great blog site and it seems only a couple of us use it! Come on guys, post your thoughts on this "get-together" and let's make this happen!

Until next time, BE CAREFUL OUT THERE!

surfyaker said... anyone riding from the shop in the morning? If so, what time? Intellicast is predicting the temp to be near 37 to 38 degrees at around 8:00am!! Brrr....
I'm still game if anyone else is, just say the word! If no one else is interested, I'll just do the solo thing and ride from home!

Anonymous said...

BC and I are riding from Irmo High tomorrow at 12, leaving from the parking lot behind the school by the tennis courts. Doing about 35+miles. Come join us.

Anonymous said...

Weather permiting,anybody riding from BTN in the morning? (7:45?)

Anonymous said...

Hop and I look like we are heading to Camden this Sat. to do the metric century Tour de Camden. Thirty dollar fee with support along the way. Maybe we can get a group together to go and meet at BTN Sat. morning. Let me know and we will work out the details.

surfyaker said...

Hi de Ho Friends and Neighbors!

I made it back, in one piece, from the “Pathways Connects Century” ride in Yemassee, South Carolina. Unlike the last few century rides I’ve done recently, there was no monsoon preceding the ride so the roads were dry and the sky was clear. Beautiful day with a marvelous temperature, but, unfortunately, I was also battling a cold. If it’s not one thing, it’s always another, you know what I mean?!?! There’s always something! At any rate, I woke up hacking and coughing to a beautiful morning. I downed a bowl of oatmeal and a pot of coffee before heading off to the start at William Odom Moore Memorial Park in Yemassee. It was a beautiful, cloudless morning as I made the drive from Beaufort to Yemassee down “Old Sheldon Church Road.” Even though it was a beautiful day, my headlights came on as I drove down this scenic highway. The live oaks, draped in Spanish moss created a “tunnel” that was dark enough to make my automatic headlights come on! This a really beautiful drive that passes by historic Sheldon Church ruins, several plantations and the ever present salt marshes and wetlands that all helped to wake me up and get me psyched for the days ride.

At the start, I noticed that there weren’t as many riders as there were last year, but nonetheless, there was a decent crowd! Most of the folks here today were from the Beaufort, Charleston, and Savannah areas with a couple of guys coming down from Myrtle Beach. I was the ONLY representative from the midlands, by the way! It was just a little cool when we began riding so I wore a light vest but no arm warmers. Last year, I did this ride in 5 hours, 15 minutes and I was hoping for a sub 5 this year and as I began the ride, it appeared that it was going to be a good day for it even though the wind was right in our faces as we headed west to the apex of the ride. I was feeling really good as I rode right on by the SAG station at mile 24 and by mile 25, I was getting really serious about my average speed as I took off the vest, grit my teeth, and got down to the business of maintaining what was at this time a 20.1mph average! I was liking this! I was feeling really good as I rolled into Estill at mile 29 with a 20.3mph average and kept on trucking! “This is excellent!” was all I could think! “I am heading into a pretty stout head wind and my average speed is increasing!” At this point, I was excited and still feeling good! The SAG station at mile 45 came and went as I rolled right on by this on too without stopping. As I came up on the 50 mile mark my average was 21.3! I knew that soon I would be making a turn to the east that would put the wind at my back for the rest of the ride and at that point, I realized my goal was definitely attainable! That’s when the hills began. That’s when I realized I had not been drinking according to my schedule. That’s when I realized that I had not been eating according to my schedule. That’s when I bonked. “The best laid plans of mice and men are doomed to failure.” Well, my best laid plans, at least, seem doomed to failure!

You have to remember that this route makes a big oval through Hampton and Allendale Counties around the towns of Hampton and Varnville and just rubs up against the outskirts of Allendale so when I say “the hills began” you have to put that into the context of where this ride is taking place. These aren’t hills like Sunset Cyclists are accustomed to, they are more like little rolling upheavals that throw a little more interesting terrain into an otherwise basically flat course. No matter, I hadn’t paid enough attention to my nutrition plan to have the energy to make these “climbs” at more that a 16.5 mph pace!! I couldn’t believe that in my zeal to “over achieve” I had not paid attention to an element of the ride that was most essential to my success. As I tried to eat a nutri-grain bar, I noticed that I had no saliva to help it go down. This was a neon sign that pointed out the fact that I had really, really, really……screwed up. I began to drink as much as I could at that point, but it really didn’t sit well on my stomach. I was determined that I was not going to stop, even though my body was shouting “TAKE A BREAK!” I could no longer go fast as fast as I had been so I just told myself that I was just going to have to maintain as high a rate of speed as was comfortable until I was both re-nourished, and most important, re-hydrated! I’m not sure how long this took (it seemed like forever!) as I was really focusing on recharging my batteries without letting my average slip back too far. I was hurting though. Finally, I could feel the strength coming back to me and I could feel that I had a little fight in my legs and I found myself heading down the road again at somewhere between 20 and 21 mph.

I couldn’t remember at what mile marker it was supposed to be, but I knew there was another SAG station to soon to come, or at least I thought. It finally came into view at mile 72. There it was. A SAG station, out in the middle of nowhere, with two lonely personnel just waiting for someone to come and enjoy what they had laid out on the table! This time, oh yeah, I stopped. As I rolled into this remote oasis, my average speed was 20.3mph. I refilled an empty water bottle, grabbed a banana and took just a few minutes to soak up some sun and some Gatorade. I was afraid that if I stayed around too long my legs were not going to take me the rest of the way. Of course at this point, I really wasn’t sure they were going to take me the rest of the way anyway! So, I saddled up and headed my trusty steed off down the road.

The next SAG station was at mile 86 and I just couldn’t bring myself to stop again so I waved politely and just kept pedaling. My average speed at this point was 20.1mph and I was going to maintain that if it killed me! It wasn’t too much farther down the road that I thought that this ride just might actually kill me! My body was saying; “go ahead and pull over and take a break, you know you want to!” while my brain was telling me; “you don't have that much farther to go and the faster you go, the sooner this will all be over!” This was a battle that went on in my head constantly for miles. I just kept turning the pedals. By mile 90 though, my average speed had dropped below 20mph and I knew that I would not achieve my goal. In my current state, I could not recover this lost time and again pick up my average. I had been going too slowly for too long while enduring the ceaseless battle between mind and body. This last 10 miles was brutal. I was thinking that the body would win the battle as I was feeling that if I pushed those pedals any faster, I was going to throw up! “Now you really don’t have far to go! Less than 10 miles! my mind kept telling me. “No need to pull over and rest now!” Then I came to THE hill. The FINAL HILL. As I looked to the top, I believed that to summit this beast would require mass quanities of supplemental oxygen!

Again, you have to put this into the context of where I was riding, but this alpine monster was obviously put there for no other reason than to finish off what the rest of the ride had left of my thoroughly wasted body. However, on the other side of this tortuous grind, I knew, was the finish line! As I began to climb this giant, seemingly vertical, mountain that guided this country road safely over I-95, my ill executed hydration/nutrition plan came into full realization. My legs began to cramp. Shortly after, my right leg just seized up and would NOT turn a pedal again. I unclipped it and shook it vigorously while doing all the pedaling with my left leg. That was better but still not great. As I clipped my right foot in again, I began to pedal mostly with my left leg, pushing down with all I had and pulling up with even more. Then, it too rebelled against the onslaught of elevation gain, seizing up just as my right leg had done. “Mind over body”, I said to myself (and anyone else that might want to hear! of course there was no one else around!) “Mind over body!” I kept pedaling through the pain and, finally, I found myself looking down at the traffic of I-95 passing under this Himalayan behemoth of bridge that had to have taken me many painfull hours to climb. At this point I wondered about the all the fuss that was made over the Cooper River Bridge in Charleston. Surely, next to this bridge, the Cooper River Bridge pales in comparison! From way up high on this precipitous man-made summit I could clearly see Yemassee! And it was down hill from here! “Go ahead, push those pedals a little more!” Then LO and BEHOLD! I found myself zooming down the other slope of this man-made gargantuan climb! As the mountainous terrain settled down, I was riding into Yemassee. Any moment now, I would see the finish line…………any moment now. My legs were nagging, my body griping, and my mind was saying, “just a little more.... just a little more!” Finally, I was there, back where this ordeal had begun.

As I was getting ready that morning, I found that I had forgotten my heart rate monitor so I don’t have stats on what I’m sure would have been through the roof readings, but here are the stats that I do have:

Total Distance-99.04 miles (it wasn’t quite a real century); Total Time-5:03:30 (not too shabby!); Avg.Spd.-19.6mph. (Again, not too shabby!); MaxSpd.-28.6mph. Total Calories Burned- SIX THOUSAND, FOUR HUNDRED, and SIXTY ONE!! All in all, I can't complain, it just should have been easier!

At the end of the ride, of course, there was a nice meal for all the riders. There was a big pot of home made chili being served by an older gentleman of, probably 80 years or so, and he asked as he served my chili, “How many miles did you ride today?” “About a hundred miles!” I replied. He looked at me and then asked, “Why?” To that I proudly responded that I believed in the old adage that states; “that which does not destroy you only makes you stronger!” His response to that statement was simply a bemused stare as he politely nodded his head. No verbal response was needed.

Alrighty then, next weekend “jocdoc” and I are off to ride the “Tour of Camden.” This is a metric century (65 miles). I haven’t done this one before but I don’t believe this ride is a relentless sufferfest and is just up the road in Camden! If anyone is interested! Come on and ride with us! I know this one will be good!

Until next time, BE CAREFUL OUT THERE!

Anonymous said...

The Tour de Camden has been postponed because of weather conditions. It has been rescheduled for November 22.

Blue Pinarello said...

Lexington weekly ride -- who is looking to ride some during the week days (3:30 to 5:00). Taking the bike downtown Columbia -- leaving from Museum of Art; Hampton Street; Leaphart Road; Mineral Springs Road; various ways from intersection of Mineral Springs and Sunset Blvd. ??

Blue Pinarello said...

Anyone electing to ride in Lexington on Sunday -- no rain expected?? And Tour de Camden sounds good for Nov22 -- what are the details to meet before at BTN

Blue Pinarello said...

Hello ??

surfyaker said...

I have a prior commitment that morning, so, unless I can get out of it, I don't think I'll be making it to the TdeC this year. I believe Scott is also tied up this Saturday. I haven't heard any plans from anyone to meet at BTN before the ride, or any other plans for that matter!! If my plans happen to change and it turns out that I can go to the TdeC, I'll post it!

Blue Pinarello said...

How about riding on days Wednesday thru Friday??
I will be planning to ride from 3:00 (3:30) to 5:00 on any one of these days this week. If someone wants to plan on riding Sunday afternoon, I have already committed to ride in Lexington that day as well. And I will probably ride in Lexington Saturday morning -- with who ever is at BTN 7:30

Anonymous said...

I may do the Camden ride....might not. Kind of depends on what happens in our game Friday night; if we win I'm not going, if we lose I probably will. So...won't be able to decide until 10ish Friday night, which doesn't leave much wiggle room if anyone wants to meet up and go. If anyone does want to go I'll meet at BTN or wherever and we can hook up...although I hope I'm not there. (FYI...if...when Irmo beats Rock Hill I shant be going).

Anonymous said...

Ok, not going to Camden....too cold and honey-do's to do. Have to work for awhile in the AM too but want to ride around 1,2,3??? Flexible, if anyone wants to go let me know. Could meet at Irmo HS if anyone wants to head up toward Peak, etc.

Blue Pinarello said...

JocDoc, Irmo High at 2:00 would work for me if you want to plan for that. I will be warmed up and ready to go, as I will be riding across the Dam from Lexington to meet you. Great if you might convince some others to meet as well. Confirm 2:00 if you are going to be available.

Blue Pinarello said...

1:15 headed to meet at Irmo High

Blue Pinarello said...

Arrived 1:50 at Irmo High and decided to go at 2:15 -- very cold, but very nice ride. Let's try again -- my earlier response was a very short notice (12:30). Does any one want to plan a ride this Sunday (any time of day)??

Blue Pinarello said...

Riding to Gilbert today, going up Calks Ferry Road and Old Two Notch. Will plan to leave from Lexington High at 2:00 if someone wants to join me.

Anonymous said...

Sorry I missed your post....I'm off starting Weds and would like to ride Weds and Friday. If anyone has a plan let me know and I'll join you if the timing works out.

Blue Pinarello said...

what time of day on Wednesday and Friday are you available to ride? Let's work out a regular weekly ride every Friday == from Irmo High

Anonymous said...

I can ride Weds around 2:30/3:00. If that works let me know where you want to meet (K-Mart Parking lot, Piggy Wiggly on 378, anywhere else is fine) and the time.

surfyaker said...

Count me in on the Wednesday rides! I can often be ready to ride by 3:00, at least! Give me a call and let me know what's happening! Thanks!

Blue Pinarello said...

Let's agree on Piggly Wiggly/378 at 3:00 -- I will be there some how and ready to go at that time. I will check back after 12:00 to see if this works for you today. And maybe we can decide to ride Friday as well.

Anonymous said...

See you at 3 at the Pig.

surfyaker said...

I'm planning on being at the Pig at 3:00 today too! I have to take my son for a quickie Orthodontist appointment at 2:00, but I should be able to make it. I'll call, one way or another!

Blue Pinarello said...

A really good ride Friday -- now what to eat. Here is one good recipe to share that will help load or reload energy.

Italian Stuffed Peppers:
1/3 cup Herb Magic Italian Dressing
4 medium green peppers
1 quart water
1-1/2 cups cooked brown rice
16-ounce can tomato sauce (no salt or sugar added)
1 teaspoon Tamari soy sauce
1/2 teaspoon basil
1 clove garlic, minced
1/3 cup onion, chopped
2 15-ounce cans dark red kidney beans, rinsed and drained
1 tablespoon parsley, chopped
4 tablespoons Parmesan cheese

1. Cut 1/2" off top of peppers. Remove seeds and membranes.
2. Bring water to a boil in a large pot. Add peppers and boil 3 minutes. Drain upside down on paper towels.
3. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
4. Combine rest of ingredients.
5. Place peppers in 8"-square baking dish. Stuff with rice mixture.
6. Bake 40 minutes

Optional: add Parmesan cheese to top of peppers

Calories 445.7
Protein 24.8 g
Sodium 1335.7 mg
Carbohydrate 81.5 g
Fat 3.0 g
Cholesterol 9.9 mg

Sourcs: EAT TO WIN, 1983, Dr. Robert Haas

Blue Pinarello said...

Eating Italian Stuffed Peppers this Saturday nite -- who wants to plan a ride Sunday (30 to 40 miles) ??

Anonymous said...

Would like to ride Sunday, weather permitting of course. I can start anytime after 1:30. Let's hope the weather clears up.

dktarmac said...

Hi all, Sorry I dropped out for a while but I have enjoyed some time off the bike! Anyway, I guess it is time for me to get back at it.

From the posts I have noticed the possibility of a Wednesday afternoon ride this winter. Do you guys want to set something up regularly? I am in.

surfyaker said...

Hey, I can't wait to try the recipe! It sounds great!

Yeah, count me on Sunday's (tomorrow's)ride. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for the weather to break early in the afternoon. I hope it does, I'm beginning to get "cabin fever!"

Like I said in an earlier post, I can often get away at about 3:00 on Wednesday afternoons, but not always. Post a ride and I will show up if I can!

Stay dry out there!

Blue Pinarello said...

What about meeting at 2:00 or 3:00, if the weather is agreeable. Whoever can choose the time and place and I will commit to ride then.

surfyaker said...

Well, it's looking like we just might get break from the rain and have an opportunity to ride this afternoon! Intellicast is calling for the rain to stop at around 2:00 or 3:00 and the temperature topping out at abut 54 degrees. At my house at 10:00AM this morning, the rain has already stopped! Radar indicates it's moving out of here quickly! Keep your fingers crossed and ideas posted!

Anonymous said...

3:00 works for me if that's good with everyone else....time to get in a nap before we go. Meet at Mt. Horeb?
dktarmac...if you want to ride let me know and we can meet you along the way...say at Caulk's Ferry and Spring Hill....I can call you as we get close.

Blue Pinarello said...

I will have to cut my ride short to be back at 3:45 -- to meet with a Youth group (Mt. Horeb) at 4:00 for my twelve year-old.

Blue Pinarello said...

Is it too foggy to ride today??

surfyaker said...

Well, for me at least, it's not too foggy, but the rain has returned and with it the dangerously wet roads. I had high hopes that the rain was going to stop long enough for the roads to dry sufficiently for a good ride, but alas, it was not to be! I think I'm going bag riding today. If anyone is game, I can probably be encouraged to ride Wednesday afternoon. Let me know!

Until then, be careful out there!

Anonymous said...

Too wet, if not too foggy, for me so I'm throwing in the towel for today. Have to work a wrestling tourn next weekend so I'll try to catch up with you guys in two weeks. Take care.

Blue Pinarello said...

Let's plan a ride for this Wednesday afternoon (3:00) -- Mt. Horeb, Piggly Wiggly, Lake Murray Elementary, or some other place that you prefer.

surfyaker said...

I have my sites set on Mt. Horeb at 3:00 tomorrow afternoon. If I can't make it, I'll send you an e-mail or post my status!

See you then!

surfyaker said...

Isn't there something about the best laid plans of mice and men being doomed to failure?!?! Well, it's true for me it seems! Of course, I forgot a prior commitment for this afternoon, so I won't be able to make a 3:00 ride. I think I'm going to try it tomorrow. The forecast is for even milder temps (about 62 degrees!) with a about a 10% chance of rain.

If anyone is interested, let me know!

Until next time, BE CAREFUL OUT THERE!

Blue Pinarello said...

I will commit to ride Thursday at 3:00 Mt. Horeb. Today did not work out for me either.

Blue Pinarello said...

Cannot ride at 3pm today

surfyaker said...

Yikes! Sorry! I can't make it either! Way too much going on today! Oh well, the weekend is upon us, plenty of time for riding then. Any suggestions for the weekend?

As always, until next time, BE CAREFUL OUT THERE!

Anonymous said...

Working a wrestling tourn. Sat. but want to ride Sunday afternoon around 2:30/3:00 if anyone wants to make a plan.

Blue Pinarello said...

I would like to start at 2:30 Sunday to get in more distance possibly. I will be riding at some point Saturday also. This week did not prove much for me, so I am very eager to get going again on the bike. Although I did start new client work this week, so I am happy.

surfyaker said...

Yes, yes, it was a cold start when Pinarello and I started our Saturday morning ride, friends and neighbors, but it was a real good ride! It was a beautifully clear, crisp, still December morning with the sun shining brightly. Good company, easy pace, good conversation and friendly folks on the road. And, about halfway through the 45 mile ride the sun began to warm those frigid bones and let us forget about the brutal wind chill that had made us use our the brakes on the downhills!

Yep, when I left the neighborhood I thought my ears would fall off going downhill! If I had not agreed to meet Pinarello, I might have turned around and gotten back in bed! "NO!" I thought to myself, “I can do this!” “It’s not THAT cold!” So, I pushed on, and thankfully, I began to warm up, a little! When I met Pinarello at Wise Ferry, I somehow felt less of a man. I was covered, head to toe in my finest winter riding wear and there he was, in shorts, Jersey and a t-shirt! “Wow!” I thought! “He is a REAL hard-man!” “Oh well!”, "I’m definitely out of my league!” I thought, but I wasn’t about to go back home and change into something a little more “manly”, so off we went taking the back roads to Leesville and then over to Gilbert. We took it slow as the crisp winter morning air of an early December morning, was sometimes painfully cold! At least, it was to me! (you see, I’m not a hard-man!) As we rode along, the sun rose higher in the sky and we no longer feared the temperature drop caused by the shadows of the trees and by the time we got to Leesville, I was taking off my jacket. Yes, yes…I was also wearing a jacket. I know…….I know………..yes, I know you’re thinking; “what a wimp!” Well, be that as it may, the temp was getting nice and I was now ready to ride! Great pace all the way back home!

Here are the stats:

Total Distance-45miles; Total Time-2:44:47; MaxSpd.-37.19mph; Avg.Spd.-16.33 (I said it was an easy pace!); Max.Hrtrt.- 174bpm; Avg.Hrtrt.-150bpm and TWO THOUSAND, FIVE HUNDRED FOUR calories burned!

Hey folks, just because its winter doesn’t mean that the riding is over! I know we can’t all be hard men, but we can put on the winter wear and get out there and put in the miles! C’mon folks! Let’s ride!

Until next time……..BE CAREFUL OUT THERE!

surfyaker said...

Oh yeah! Count me in for the Sunday ride. 2:30 or 3:00 works for me! Just let me know when and where!

Blue Pinarello said...

Hard-men live hard lives (ha, ha), and this Sarurday morning ride at 32 degrees proved to be one of my difficult trials. I will admit that it was too cold for shorts and other missing gear -- gotta go shopping soon or this Saturday will have already become my breaking point. It was good to push on though and I survived it --and enjoyed it.

Let's plan to meet at 2:30 Mt. Horeb ***or*** meet at Lake Murray Elementary, since it is easy to ride in and out of on Wise Ferry with "hardly" any traffic.

Blue Pinarello said...

As far as cold Saturday morning rides go in the future, 32 degrees or warmer is a go -- 32 or less is no go. Cycling is a hard enough life in and of itself without getting "freezer burn"!!

Blue Pinarello said...

Anyone want to determine a different route -- across the Lake Murray Dam to Ballentine, Peak, Chapin, back to Lex??

surfyaker said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
surfyaker said...

Alrighty then! How's this ride? (I have a ton of them!)

“The Little Mountain–Peak, Almost Metric”

If you haven’t ridden in this area, it’s really pretty out there and this ride is a lot of fun. Coming into Peak is just like riding in the mountains. Peak is a very small town (village) that seems as though it was plucked from a mountain side and set down on the banks of the Broad River. The road coming into the town is steep and the curves through town are extreme, extreme for this area anyway! The road is also nicely paved which makes for a fast and thrilling ride right through the middle of town! It’s just like riding in the mountains!

From Peak, the next town is Little Mountain. Little Mountain is a great little town full of friendly folks. The Exxon station makes a great pit stop where, in the past, the Mayor could often be found out front selling hot dogs for special occasions and, also in the past, he has bought bottle water for all the cyclists that visit his friendly town!

From Little Mountain back to Lexington down Hwy 76 and Hwy 6 can sometimes get a little busy, but it’s a fast ride from there to the dam! Here’s how the ride breaks down:

Midway Elementary to Peak, South Carolina – 26.2 Miles
Hwy. 6 across the dam and then Hwy. 60 into Irmo, left on Woodrow then right on Royal Tower Road to Broad River Road. Left on Broad River Road across I-26 then left on Western Road to Koon Road then right on Old Tamah. Then Kennerly Road to Freshly Mill to Wash Lever Road to Broad River Road and then to R. Stoudemeyer Road into Peak.

Peak, South Carolina to Little Mountain, South Carolina – 10 miles
Hwy. 213 and right on Hwy. 176 then left on Hwy. 202 all the way into Little Mountain

Little Mountain, South Carolina to Midway Elementary School – 20.8 miles
Hwy. 76 through Chapin then Whiterock on to Ballentine then Hwy. 6 across the dam and back home. If we hit this route early enough, the traffic shouldn’t be too bad and it’s the fastest, most direct way back to make a really neat 60 mile ride!

Starting and ending at Midway Elementary School, if you take your time at about 17mph, this ride takes about 3hrs.15 minutes. This is a fun ride that can easily be done before lunch, even with a good “pit-stop” in Little Mountain!

Blue Pinarello said...

Riding from Mt. Horeb at 3:00 (3:15) this Wednesday if anyone wants to try to meet. Also planning to ride this Friday at 3:00 (3:15) in Lex.

Anonymous said...

BC and I might be interested in a Midway to Peak and back ride Sat. morning IF we don't start too early, more like a mid-morning start would suit us better. Our old bodies really don't like the cold that much and after all this is supposed to be sort of fun.

Blue Pinarello said...

I able and willing to start mid-morning Saturday (10:00??) -- any departure and route you are recommending will be a good. I am fighting a rough cold this week and will be ready to ride this weekend. I am also still planning to ride this Friday at 3:00 in Lex

surfyaker said...

Alrighty then! I’m looking forward to a good ride tomorrow; however, I have a bunch of things to get done that afternoon so I really need to get back, at least by noon. So, I suggest starting at 9:00?!??! That’s a real midmorning start! There won’t be a big temperature difference between a 9:00 start and a 10:00 start. Here is what the hourly forecast for the morning looks like:

Time Temp Wind Spd. W.Dir. W.Chill
8:00 33 4mph NNW 29
9:00 37 5mph N 33
10:00 41 6mph NNE 37
11:00 45 5mph NE 42
12:00 48 5mph NE 46
1:00 50 4mph NE 49

So, it’s going to be a pretty cool ride whenever you start!! I’m in for a “Little Mountain – Peak” ride. Wanna meet at Midway? Or any other place is pretty good too! Just post it!

Don’t forget your finest winter riding attire!

See you all tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

I should never make long range plans.....9:00 sounds great, I have things to get done also....however, I might have to pick up my AD at the hospital if he can't come home today and miss the ride altogether. I'll know by early evening and post my situtation.....if everything works out see you guys at Midway at 9:00.

Blue Pinarello said...

9:00 Midway -- good

Anonymous said...

I'll be there, everything worked out today.

surfyaker said...

Most excellent amigos! I'll be there at 9:00!

Anonymous said...

Saturday looks warm enough to get an early start.....let's think about meeting at BTN and maybe some of the old crowd will show up and we can have tell a few lies while we ride. ('old' meaning experienced, the usual group, the regulars, etc.) If memory serves I believe the 'old' arrival time was 7:30ish and try to get going by eight?

Blue Pinarello said...

I am in desperate need of a bike ride and will show for whatever is in mind for Saturday at 7:30 (8:00). Planning to ride Friday at 3:00 if the wind permits

surfyaker said...

So........what's the route for Saturday morning? I was thinking about the "Tour de Lake" (ride around the lake!), anyone interested? Early morning temps are still looking good for an early morning start with a high of 74 degrees! Man, only in SC!

Anonymous said...

The Lake huh?....right now my enthusiasm for that is low but I'll see what the general consensus is the morning. The Iroman will probably be there too.
See you in the AM. (Maybe dktarmac will show and offer up a suggestion).

Anonymous said...

Five of us rode this morning at 8AM from BTN... If you weren't one of the five, you sure missed a great ride and a great morning to be out! Skies were clear, and it felt like an April morning. We rode about 45 miles with an average speed of 16.8. We headed around Lexington, up Windmill to George Crapps and Old Field into Gilbert. From Gilbert, we headed up Peach Festival in order to enjoy a fast ride back into town on Hwy 1. At one point we were cruising in our pace line at an easy 30mph!

surfyaker said...

I wish I could've been there. It sounds like I did miss a good one! I woke up in plenty of time, however, the morning had come WAY too soon!! Making merry until the wee hours of the morning is not conducive to a good early morning ride!! ('tis the season!) No worries though, self inflicted wounds heal rapidly! Is anyone planning to ride tomorrow? I'll be good tonight, I PROMISE!!

dktarmac said...

Hello Everyone and Holiday Greatings from the DKTarmac Clan!

JocDoc kinda called me out. LOL I must say I have enjoyed some time off the bike, but did get out for 20 miles today. Been to the Gym some and keeping weight in check. My plan is to start riding base miles right after Christmas, so you all stay in touch!

Rode well today, I still got it!

Surferdude, enjoy the holidays bro!

I do miss everyone, Hope you all are Happy and ready for Christmas!


Blue Pinarello said...

Planning to ride (3:00) this Sunday before the holiday week hits, although I am going to try to ride Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. I will call to see if some of you are wanting to take off with me from Mt. Horeb.

Anonymous said...

BC and I were discussing the whereabouts of dktarmac on the ride Sat. morning. The general concensus is you have been training in secret and plan on giving everyone a spanking come Spring ride time.
My intent was not to 'call you out' as much as just to try and get an old friend to come join us if you could. Glad to hear all is well and hope you and all the BTN riders have a Merry Christmas.
If anyone wants to sqeeze in a short ride Tuesday afternoon let me know, not sure about Weds. yet.

surfyaker said...

HO HO HO!!!! Merry Christmas!! I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas! I know I did! After all the food I've put away since Christmas Eve, I really feel like I need to ride in the morning! Anyone interested? If so, post it or give me a call!

Until next time! Be careful out there!

Anonymous said...

I've got the grandchildren in the morning so I'm looking at an afternoon ride Friday. If anyone is interested let me know and we'll make a plan.
BC and I will probably ride Sat. morning too, just waiting to hear back from him to firm up the time and will post that also.

Blue Pinarello said...

Aiming to ride Sat morning BTN 7:30(7:45) -- too gloomy and too late to get a ride on this Friday. See the morning folk in the morning.

Anonymous said...

Too gloomy sure was accurate, see everyone in the morning at BTN. Temps should be in the low 50's to start and get near 60 by the time we finish.

Anonymous said...

Too foggy this Sat. AM, rescheduled for 12:00, leaving from K-Mart if anyone would like to join BC and me.

Blue Pinarello said...

Riding this Sunday afternoon??

surfyaker said...

Alrighty then! I'm back in town after eating my way through the low country and I really need to ride! Is anyone planning to ride today? The forecast is for clearing this afternoon!

Blue Pinarello said...

If all goes according to the plan this week -- riding Wednesdsy 3:00 and Friday 3:00 (or 2:00) in Lex. Whoever is available to go, then let's go. Also riding Sat morning and Sun afternoon if weather is passable.

Anonymous said...

Will probably ride Weds too....want to meet at Mt. Horeb at 3:00?

surfyaker said...

Anyone planning to ride tomorrow? It looks like "they" are expecting a low of about 44 degrees tonight with a high tomorrow of around 63 degrees with overcast skies! Sounds like riding weather to me!

Anonymous said...

BC and I are riding at 11:00 from Midway Saturday morning. Family issues have dicatated a later start, come join us if you can wait till then.

surfyaker said...

Man! It's looking like today is going to be a beautiful day! Right now, the sun is out with just a few clouds! The forecasted high for today is 75 degrees! Anyone interested in a Monday ride?

surfyaker said...

Well, if the weather cooperates today, I'm going to try to get in a ride around 3:00 or 3:30. If anyone is interested in a 20-25 miler, let me know! Of course, I could always be talked into doing a 30 miler too! Let me know!

Blue Pinarello said...

Tomorrow should be ideal weather and work conditions -- let's plan to get going at 3:00. And on the ready by 2:30. Need others to join this plan to ride on Friday if available.

Anonymous said...

I'm (and probably BC) riding at 11:00 Sat. Waiting to hear from BC to firm up plans but will post final arrangements if anyone wants to join us.

Anonymous said...

BC and I are leaving from K-Mart at 11:00, route to be determined...Gilbert or Peak loops are on the table...come join us.

surfyaker said...

Sounds good! I may indeed join you IF I can't interest you in what I had in mind! I had in mind a 9:00AM ride around the lake. We haven't done that one in a while and I'm feeling the need for some LSD! er....ah......lest I be misunderstood, make that some Long, Steady, Distance! Ponder that a while and let me know what you think!

surfyaker said...

hhhmmmm...........after further consideration, it looks like I'll be holding out for the 11:00 clock ride! See you then!

Anonymous said...

Feeling better with no swelling or bruising in the injured arm, although there is still pain with twisting and other movements. Took Tylenol and used Biofreeze sample. My girls are assisting me when I need help. Happy that bike is virtually unscathed! Hope the rest of the ride was good. Will update if things change.

Anonymous said...

Good news, hope you continue to feel better. The rest of the ride was uneventful, thank goodness. Take care, see you soon.

surfyaker said...

That is really good news! I'm glad to hear that there was no serious injury! Even for the bike! Not so lucky for "Pinarello" though!! Yikes! Though I believe he is fine, his bike is going to take some work! Remember, "when the horse throws you, you just have to get back on and ride!" Bundle up to keep warm and get back out there and put in those "base miles"! To that end, I've put together a great 55 miler that you won't have to go around the lake or over to Peak to ride! I'll post it later with the hopes that someone will be interested in doing it Saturday!! All you have to do is bundle up!!

Until next time........BE SAFER OUT THERE!!

Anonymous said...

I've got a fractured elbow... specifically a radial head fracture. Will get a CAT scan tomorrow to see if surgery is needed. For now I'm in a sling, and I'm not sure if they'll cast me or not. Needless to say, stationary bike is all I'll be allowed to ride for awhile.

surfyaker said...

Well, so much for the "good news"! Geez, I hate to hear that! It's really amazing what can happen in just a couple of seconds. You're riding along, minding your own business and Poof! The next thing you know, your riding is over for the next few weeks. Unbelievable! Take care of that arm and DO stay on the stationary bike! Just keep pedalin'! Remember, it's not long before Daylight Savings Time kicks in again!! See you soon!

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear that, I guess that pain was telling you something. Hang in there and take care of that arm.

Blue Pinarello said...

Sorry to hear the news on the outcome of the "arm" CK. I am off the bike for awhile myself -- the bike is in the shop. My hand continued swelling, but is now half way there to be useful again. I hate crashes as does most everyone else. If there were some guarantee to have no incident... well my feeling is this: I am responsible for my own safety and also the safety of others that rely on my awareness. So if I cannot guarantee that I am aware of the riders around me--then I cannot be trusted with their safety. Well I expect that I do have a guarantee for myself and to other cyclist and their bike investments.
TO BE CONTINUED---later this week

Blue Pinarello said...

CONTINUED---had to run earlier
Okay, the realization is that we remain fairly certain that we are safe on each ride. And we go off safely, but only by keeping a very clear awareness of the ride itself. And now I am stating the obvious. Over and over we are able to block the idea of a "crash" until we are reminded with an incident. You can tell that I am beating myself up over the present and inevitable crashing yet to come. Well to make my long-winded philosophy over the "crash" dilemma short -- my idea is to block the idea with a more effective reminder. A self-imposed cost that will tell me to always be aware. More aware. And not assume that safety is a given. If ever I can truly say that I have created another "crash" with the people that I trust and trust me to ride as a group -- then $200. Injury or not -- damage or not -- anyone that goes down by my risk. The literal point is that I can't afford to allow risk to myself or others. I will be watching for safety much closer.

Anonymous said...

I'm a bachelor this weekend so a long ride Sat. sounds like a good idea......however, let's not get carried away and start too early. Looks like the temp. Sat. morn is going to be in the teens so let's perhaps think about the later starts we have been doing lately (11:00ish.....?)

surfyaker said...

Yeah boy! "They" are talking about the temp Saturday morning being 9 or 10 degrees with a high for the day of only 39 degrees! That's brisk baby! Let's go ahead and get it over early with a 7:00am start! HA HA HA HA, man, I kill me!! Ah, but seriously folks, I'm not that fond of frostbite! I really appreciate being able to feel things when I touch them! An11:00 start sounds great! 50+?? LSD is good for me!! Are there any preferred routes? Anything in mind?

surfyaker said...

Oh yeah, one other thing, don't beat yourself up too much "Pinarello". I know "CK's" arm isn't feeling too good right now, but it will heal and I think she would agree with me! As I said in a previous post, #&$% happens, and when you're moving in a group it happens really fast! If you read that article I posted in "Riding Tips", it's not "if" these events happen, it's "when"! All we can do to reduce the occurence of these events is to improve our riding skills, which only comes with more and more group riding and always remember to remain alert and vigilant to EVERYTHING going on around you! So, get your bike healed up, get back in the saddle and get your psyche healed up!! Let's ride!

Until next time friends and neighbors, as always, BE CAREFUL OUT THERE!

Blue Pinarello said...

Bike is being fixed -- hand is half-fixed -- I am fixed on riding. Asap! I will try to be ready for Saturday's dealings with the cold front. Sounds like a good day of riding for cyclist with "hard" character. And it may be a really good evening for a tremendous bonfire this Saturday. With "hard" beer.

Blue Pinarello said...

No bike until next week. Mid-week. So I will be ready with winter gear.

surfyaker said...

Okay, I’m a little late getting out the info on that 55 miler I spoke of in an earlier post, but here it is.

Of course, this route begins at my house and goes out on Old Chapin Road and makes a left turn on Beechcreek Road. Continue on Beechcreek and make a left turn on Hallmark Drive then right on Beechwood Road to US 378. Make a right turn here and go to the top of the hill and make a left turn on Spring Hill Road. Now, this is where the route changes from the “usual”. Just after turning left on Spring Hill Road, make a left turn on Calks Ferry Road. Continue on Calks Ferry Road all the way to Two Notch Road and make a right turn. After about a mile, bear right on Wire Road and continue into Gilbert. At the intersection of Wire Road and Juniper Springs Road make a right turn on Juniper Springs and bear left on Lewie Street. At the intersection with Peach Festival Road/Main Street make a left turn and then right on Broad Street. Take Broad Street all the way to Leesville. At Leesville make a left turn on Hwy 23/Church Street then a right turn on Hwy 245/N. Lee Street. Continue on 245 until it intersects with Summerland Avenue/Hwy 391 and make a right turn. Continue on 391 until you see Mt. Hebron Lutheran Church on your left and make a right turn on Hebron Church Road/S-41-4 17 and continue the stop sign and make a left turn on S-41-40. Continue a couple of miles and make a right turn on Ansel Caughman Road. Continue here until it intersects with Cedar Grove Road and make a right turn. Continue on Cedar Grove Road until you come to Windmill Road and make a left turn. (Now you know where you are!) Continue on Windmill Road until it ends at Priceville Road where you will make a left turn and then another right turn onto St. Pauls Church Road. Continue on St. Pauls Church Road until almost to Hwy 1 and make a left turn onto Springhill Road. From here you can figure it out. By the time you make it back to my house you’ll have logged approximately 55 miles! The only drawback with this ride that I can think of is that it might have a lot of climbing! Oh well…………………it’s another ride to put into our library of rides!

Ponder it!

Until next time, BE CAREFUL OUT THERE!

surfyaker said...'s cold!

Anonymous said...

Cold today and rainy tomorrow...anybody up for a Monday ride, looks like it might be a bit warmer?
If anybody is heading out today let me know.

surfyaker said...

Yeah, Saturday was cold, but not bad! I forced myself to leave the house at 10:30am and rode until 1:00pm. It wore me out! I think I my have overdressed! I took it easy on the hills so I wouldn't work up too much of a sweat, however, the turn back home put me into a headwind that really wore me out! I didn't have a dry thread on me when I got home.

I just felt tired the rest of the day, until..... "Pinarello" had the cure! We had wings and beer as we watched the "Towering Inferno", at his house, all the while being careful that we didn't set the entire neighborhood on fire! Real concern for just a little while and we were glad no fire trucks showed up! Really big bon-fire! Good wings and good beer. I felt much better, almost cured, after that!!

At this point, Monday is looking good so count me in!

Until next time, BE CAREFUL OUT THERE AND STAY WARM!! (but not TOO warm!)

surfyaker said...

It's another cool (but not COLD!)day friends and neighbors! Anyone planning to ride today? If so, when and where?

Blue Pinarello said...

Planning to be back in the saddle on Friday. Can we make plans assuming that the weather would cooperate??

surfyaker said...

Absolutely! At this point, my Friday is open, but who knows what it will look like then. Heck, it's looking like we can get in a pretty good ride today!! Maybe, 20-25!?!? If anyone is interested, let me know!

Blue Pinarello said...

No bike available until Friday. Getting the old Blue Ox restored.

Blue Pinarello said...

I think I just gave myself a new nickname -- which I like.

Anonymous said...

Out of town Sat. but planning to ride Sunday, weather permitting of course.
Will leave from K-Mart parking lot at 2:00 for around 45-50 miles.
Come one, come all.

surfyaker said...

Well, well, it looks like rain all weekend long. And a lot of us say "we don't ride in the rain!" Well, I just checked the hourly forecast on Intellicast and they are predicting that by about 2:00PM there will be no rain for the rest of the afternoon. While it will likely be very cloudy and equally wet, it'll still be ridable! If anyone is know what to do!

Anonymous said...

Good ride Sat. with Hop, Martin and me. We got in about 41 miles on a route up Caulks Ferry to Kiestler's store (right where you would turn left to go to Red Neck Mtn), we turned right and and kept straight all the way past the interstate where you hang a right and head back to Gilbert (sorry I can't remember road names). Came into Gilbert and did the climb up Peach Festival to US 1, down Priceville to 378 and back to K-Mart. Lots of hills if you want that type of ride. Hope to ride Sat. morn. if the weather cooperates. Have a good week.

Anonymous said...

Just throwing this out, haven't even checked with the wife yet....but, would anyone be interested in riding up to Tryon, NC Sat. morning and do some riding up in the Tryon-Saluda area (40 miles or so), lots of climbing of course. It's about a 2 hour ride up there and I would want to leave early (5:30ish) so we could get up there and get back at a decent hour. Weather looks clear, high of around 48. Just something to think about.

surfyaker said...

hmmmmm......let me think about this....get up early and leave about 5:30, start riding at around 7:00, projected low for the morning.........24 degrees with a projected high of around 50 degrees......probably won't make it up to the freezing point (32 degrees) until we're finished riding.....hhhmmmmmm.........OKAY!! I'm in! Sign me up! Sounds like an adventure in the making! Of course, I too will have to okay it with my "Social Director"!!

Anonymous said...

After all my years of being married I should know to check with my social director first before contemplating a 'plan'. Anywho, doesn't look like the mountain ride will happen this weekend, maybe middle to late Feburary, so let's get something going for Saturday.
Word on the road is CK is mending fine but is limited to her trainer for awhile. She has two fracture sites in her elbow area and will just need some time to mend.

Anonymous said...

Update on arm... No surgery was needed... no displacement. Radial bone has a fracture from the top down and another fracture across the bone. Wore a sling for 11 days. I've been out of the sling for a week now doing therapy several times a day. With elbow fractures, it's crucial to get the arm moving to get the range-of-motion back. I'm doing active motion with the arm using my own muscle power, but no lifting, pulling, or work yet. I'm power walking, cycling on a trainer, and swimming with one arm. Can't do activities where falling is a risk. Can't wait to get back on the roads!

Anonymous said...

Going to ride Saturday?....Somebody come up with a plan! I'm pretty flexible and I know surfyaker wants to ride too. Post some ideas and let's get something going.

Anonymous said...

K-Mart at 11:00 is the plan. 40+ miles at 17+mph, come join us.

Blue Pinarello said...

The bike is restored and ready to roll, extra winter gear too, 40 sounds good, and will see you at eleven.

surfyaker said...

Well, friends and neighbors, yesterday really wore me out. The cold that I had been fighting off for sometime finally started kicking in. THEN, you add the wind and that made for a butt kicking day, at least for me. But hey, it was a really great ride anyway! You know what "they" say, "that which does not destroy you only makes you stronger!" That's correct, isn't it?!?!?

Well, fiddle de dee, today IS another day and it's going to beautiful! So beautiful for a February 1st, that it would be a sin NOT to ride! I am pretty sure I have maybe 25 - 30 miles left in me for a ride this afternoon before the "big game" starts! Any takers?

Blue Pinarello said...

My legs were warped on Saturday also -- or as you already know. I expect to be ready in Lex shortly after 3:30 this Wednesday. Who wants to make a date to start off at 3:45 tomorrow. 20–25 miles moderate pace

surfyaker said...

hhhmmmmmm.........this is another ride that requires a little thought! Intellicast is forecasting the temp at 4:00 this afternoon to be 38 degrees with winds out of the northwest at 15 mph. (That's FIFTEEN MILES PER HOUR! YIKES!) Wind speed alone makes me shudder! Factor in the temperature and that means the wind chill, if you are standing still, will be about 29 degrees! I'm going to have to think about this one a while! I think last Saturday the wind was only 5mph and it wore me out! All that being said, I might still be persuaded so let me know if you're still up for it! You know what they say, "misery loves company!"

Blue Pinarello said...

My life-long mantra -- "we will see". Wind gusts are at 5 mph (now) and it will surely be cold. I am going to try for a successful ride, so join me. We can abort our mission if it becomes necessary to sustain life.

Blue Pinarello said...

Saturday ride at 11:00??

Blue Pinarello said...

Wednesday ride at 3:30??

surfyaker said...

Well, it's like this.........I'll have to assess the conditions at that time! WIS said that there are high wind advisories for this afternoon and Intellicast is forecasting winds from 15 to 20 gusting up to 40 mph!!! Not only does that sound like a difficult ride, it sounds dangerous!! At any rate, I'll let you know close to that time if I'm still in!

Anonymous said...

Saturday ride if the weather co-operates? The morning would work better for me but I am flexible.
If not Saturday then for sure Sunday around 2:00. Will post exact time and most likely leave from K-Mart or meet where ever....just want to ride so I'm easy to please.
If the 'old' BTN Saturday rides are firing back up let us know.

surfyaker said...

I'd love to ride Saturday morning, however, "they" are calling for nothing but rain in the morning.....possibly clearing in the afternoon though! You know me, I'm up for pretty much anything. I just don't want to start ride in a monsoon! If I get caught in one, be it!! The afternoon may in fact be a little better! But like I say, I'm usually game for anything, I just need to ride! Let me know what you want to do!

This afternoon, I am going to try to ride around 3:30. I was shooting for 3:00, but now, that's no longer a possibility. If anyone is interested, let me know!

Anonymous said...

I can do an afternoon ride, just have to be back at the house at 4:00. Give me a call if you decide to go.

surfyaker said...

Hi guys! I realize it's already 10:00, but is anyone intersted in a ride around the lake? Start at 11:00 or 11:30? I thought the rain was going to be heavier this morning, but now it looks like any we might encounter will be very light! Just a thought I'm throwing out there! Let me know if any of you are interested!

Anonymous said...

BC, Hop and Scott leaving from Kmart today at 2:30, come join us.

Blue Pinarello said...

Ohh -- I needed to ride, but had to continue with the renovations at the house. Next weekend (21st) I am all in for anyone riding and any big plans for distance. And would like to make some big plans for riding the weekend of the 28th. Big bonfire event is going to be moved to the 28th -- will call to talk about it.

surfyaker said...

(-big sigh-) yeah, unfortunately, I wasn't able to ride on Sunday either. Stuff happens, what can I say! At any rate, I'm definitely in for a "big ride" next weekend! Keep me posted. Again, unfortunately, I won't be in town the weekend of the 28th. I'm taking the Scout Troop snow skiing so I won't be riding then either (-another big sigh-) oh well, ya gotta do whatcha gotta do!

Anonymous said...

Everyone seems intent on a 'big' ride this weekend so why don't we think about around the lake. Get off at a decent time Sat. morn. and do it.
Let's wait till later in the week for a weather check and see what time looks good.

surfyaker said...

Well alrighty then! It sounds like we have a plan! Intellicast is forecasting a cold start (29 degrees!) but warming to around 52 degrees. Still pretty cool, but doable. As always, I'm up for an adventure! Let's do it! Maybe an 8:30 or 9:00am start? Get back a little after noon? HHhhmm.....sounds good! I'm in!

Anonymous said...

OK, how about meeting at Lexington High at 8:30; plan a 9:00 departure for our 'Around the Lake' excursion.
I suggest we head toward Windmill and work our way over to the traffic circle via the backroads and proceed from there.
Other ideas certainly welcomed.

surfyaker said...

POOF! Just like that, we have a plan! The ride you described is exactly what I had envisioned. Great mind must think alike!

Blue Pinarello said...


Anonymous said...

OK...great minds do think alike. Meet at Lexington High 8:30ish for a 9:00 departure. Looks like Barry, Hop, Vince, and me for starters.....everyone welcome. Come join the fun.

dktarmac said...

Hello All

I have been riding mostly by myself this winter, so the rumors are true that I have been in Seclusion training. Doing just enough to keep the legs together.

Wife has been working alot during this tax season so my riding has been hit or miss.

Nice to see you guys have held it together this winter. I miss the fellowship.

Getting the bike ready for spring at this point. Plan to make some minor cosmetic changes to the Tarmac but no upgrades.

Keep posting so I know what is going on.

Blue Pinarello said...

Ride today at 3:00 in Lexington ?? 20 miles

Anonymous said...

Weekend weather not looking so good, guess we need to wait to the last minute to see what is going on. If Saturday is a rain out think about Sunday around two.
Also.....will be making a trip to the Tryon or North Greenville area for a mountain ride March 7 or March 14. Check your calendars and see what works and we'll make a plan.
Another also....I plan on doing The Assault on the Carolinas out of Brevard NC on March 28. It's a good training ride for Mitchell. Again, check your calendars if interested.

Roubaix77 said...

Check out the info on the jerseys Blog and let me know who is interested. If it is not raining I will be riding at 7:30ish tomorrow from the shop. Feel free to join. Can not predict the speed yet it depends on who I can get to come. I will need to be back here at 9:30 so be prepared to seperate at some point if you wish to go longer. Call if you have any questions.

Anonymous said... much for the weather, I've been sitting around on my backside for two days now. They have closed schools here and over in Irmo for Monday so IF the roads look decent I'm up for a ride Monday afternoon. Any takers? Let me know and we'll hook up.

surfyaker said...

I might be talked into a ride today. Maybe........ I went skiing yesterday for the day....took me 3 hours to get there in the morning and 7+ hours to get home arriving after midnight! Long, long day on the road. Let me know what you're thinking about when you start itching to ride.

Anonymous said...

Looking at around 3:00, could go a hair earlier if that suits better. I can meet you at the bottom of the 'Hill' at Gov. Grant if you want. I'll give you a call later....going to lunch with the grandkids in a few.

Anonymous said...

Hop, BC and Scott are heading to North Greenville College Saturday morning for a 57ish mile ride up to Tryon, Saluda etc. Lot's of climibing but some great scenery. We are leaving at 6:00AM...if anyone would like to follow us up or meet us there for a group ride would just add to the fun. There is a stop in Tryon and one in Saluda to refuel etc.
The weather looks great and this is just a super place to ride.
Hope you can make it.

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful weekend for cycling. I saw the saturday morning group at the high school on my way home from the gym. I was going to wait till later that afternoon or Sunday morning but I couldn't stand it. I rode out from Gilbert around 11:00, down to the Hess station in lexington, down #6 to old Cherokee, old Chapin to Beachcreek. At the exact time I arrived at 378 there was a police escorted 2 mile long group of Motorcycles. As I took the turn, the motorcycles arrived, and started reving the motors. Fantastic sight and sound. It was of course a parade in memory of the two riders who crashed at that intersection. I climbed the hill and had to wait for a while, for all the Bikes and traffic after, but still what a day for riding. I saw several cyclist this weekend and even saw 10 pound out riding on sunday. I can't wait for the group rides, would love to finalize the sunset cyclist jerseys and buy one, and here what everyone has done through the winter. Hope to see Caroline healed and riding soon.
Just one final thought, Please be very visible this time of year. The cars are not quite looking for us yet.

Anonymous said...

Almost forgot. I am looking to sell my saris bones 2 bike rack, Very very cheap (almost give away, almost). I bought a newer car and don't want to use this one. I am looking for a hitch mounted 3 bike rack if anyone has one for sale. I would also appreciate some info on them since I have never had one. New bike computer with heart rate monitor is needed (wanted)sometime this summer, but I need some input on what works and of course good prices.
Maybe we should start a free membership for the regular Wednesday night riders and get a substantial discount at BTN.:-)

Anonymous said...

The doctor released me today with permission to ride again! Martin and I had a good 24 mile ride this afternoon with a 16.2 average. This was with strong headwinds on Priceville and Hwy 1. I believe two months on a trainer has actually made me a stronger rider!

surfyaker said...

Good to hear you are all healed up! Time to ride! You're right! Anytime you're turning those cranks you get stronger!

"Kickstand" was asking about racks and heartrate monitors/ get what you pay for! Rack, one word....Yakima! Heartrate monitors/computers.......Garmin or Polar. 'nuff said!

Now that daylight savings time is back, when are the Wednesday evening rides going to start back?!?! Right now, sundown is at 7:30 and it's dark at 7:45. To me, that sounds like time to ride!

dktarmac said...

CK!!!! Glad you are back riding!

What a couple of days. Three days in a row on the bike for me, all solo ride. We need some turn out for the Sat bike shop ride, it was light last saturday,we made the best of it!

Looks like the Wednesday ride starts in one week!

Check out the new jersey design, I am told they will be ordered soon.

Anonymous said...

The weather looks like it might cooperate this weekend....Anyone interested in a 60+ mile ride over toward Little Mtn., Peak, Pomaria etc. Saturday morn? Start around 7:30 from Midway Elementary or BTN.
Also....some of us (Scott, Barry, Hop,Mike) are planning to do the Assault on the Carolinas out of Brevard, NC on March 28th. We will leave at o dark thirty Sat. morn. and head up there. The ride is around 65 miles with a long climb up Ceasar's Head mtn. Well supported and last year they offered hot showers and a meal afterwards. Think about joining us up there. Take care-Scott

Anonymous said...

OK, here's our plan.....Hop, BC and me are leaving from Midway Elementary Sat. morn. 7:30ish for a 65+ mile ride across the dam, up through the Dutch Fork area, Peak, Pomaria, Little Mtn. and back. We usually avg. about 17+ on these hammering, just trying to get some long miles in. Come join us.

dktarmac said...

I plan to continue my training in seclusion tomorrow sometime in the later morning if anyone wants to come along. Post it up and I will call you in the AM. I have a limited time frame and will ride from the house. Gonna be chilly overnight so I want it to warm up some before I go.

Most likely 10ish.....

dktarmac said...

You all-Rain Rain Go away!

In NC this weekend and just scouted the route for Cycle to Serve in my hometown May 7. Meteric Century (62 Miles) over beautiful bottom land with some fantastic climbs. This is in Lenoir NC. I am planning to ride this event since it is Sponsored by my old Rotary Club. Anyone interested? Google Cycle to Serve to see their website

surfyaker said...

Yikes! When I first read your post, I thought...."hhmmmmm, that's going to be difficult to make a Thursday ride in Lenoir!" Then I looked it up and it is actually on Saturday, May 9th! Whew! That's one I might be able to make! I've thought about doing that one several times, but just haven't yet done it! Sounds like a good one! Count me in! (at least for now!)

jocdoc said...

Hop, BC, me and maybe a couple of others are doing a 92+ mile ride leaving from K-Mart 7:30ish Saturday morn. The route takes us over to Irmo, Dutch Fork area, Peak, Little Mtn., Saluda traffic circle, Ridge or Devils Backbone Rd, Windmill and home, generally speaking. Would love to have some more company.....avg around 17mph and have a great time.
Come join us.

jocdoc said...

While most have to work for a living this week I'm on Spring up for a Tuesday morning ride? Just need to be back around 12:30.

surfyaker said...

Hhmmm.... Tuesday morning ride?!?!Sounds interesting! What time? From where? Leave early and be back early.....maybe a 50 miler?!?!

jocdoc said...

It's 7:45 Tues. morn, give me a call and let's make a plan....Scott

Blue Pinarello said...

Who is thinking of a bike plan this weekend(April 18/19) ??

Blue Pinarello said...

Going for 40 miles at 3:00 or 4:00 on Saturday -- who might be interested or has a good idea on a route ??

surfyaker said...

Going early, maybe 7:30 around the lake! 65-70 miles. I want to go early so I can get back early. Too much going on in the afternoon. Let me know if you're interested and we can meet up at the top of Poindexter, as usual! If not, I'll check in with you later!

CK said...

Martin and I did "The Best Dam Ride Around the Lake" at Clarks Hill yesterday... 61 miles. The ride is sponsored by Chain Reaction Bike Shop in Martinez, GA. Roads were great, and it was a fun ride (rolling hills) with a great barbeque meal catered at the end. Lots of SAG stops and breakfast from Sonic. We averaged 21.1 mph for the first 14 miles. We averaged 17.9 and 18 mph for the total 61 miles. This might be a ride to consider for next year!

jocdoc said...

I have to work Sat. so I'm looking for some company Sunday. Plan to leave around 2:30 and get in 50+ miles. Usually leave from the Lex. K-Mart but could meet somewhere else.

Blue Pinarello said...

Sunday is a good bet for me 2:30

jocdoc said...

Meet at the Kmart 2:30.....hope we can get a couple of folks there. Plan on doing Caulks Ferry out past Two Notch, back to Gilbert, Wind Mill and probably back in on Broad St to Gilbert again. Need to do some hills.

Blue Pinarello said...

Let's ride this Sunday -- somebody ??

Blue Pinarello said...

Planning to ride at 3:00 today (Sunday)

surfyaker said...

Pondering the Cycle to Serve, May 9, 2009.

To ride, or not to ride: that is the question.
Whether ‘tis nobler in the mind to suffer the heat and humidity of the Carolinas while climbing wretched mountain foothills,
Or to take refuge in comfortable abode with air conditioning.
And by opposing end them?
To lie; to stay in bed; to sleep; and by asleep to say we end
The exertion, the body-aching bike crash and the thousand natural shocks
That flesh is heir to, ‘tis a consummation Devoutly to be wish’d.
To ride; to conquer; to be victorious.
To sleep: perchance to dream: ay, there’s the rub.

jocdoc said...

Surfyaker, have you had a recent head injury? (Although I think ol Will Shakespear would be impressed with your rendition.) Anyway....looking for a Saturday afternoon ride, have the grandchildren in the morning till just after lunch time. Holler if you want some company and you aren't hallucinating.

Blue Pinarello said...

I will be riding either 8am or 4pm -- waiting to make a final decision in accordance with plans to watch the kids. Hoping for someone to kick my ass thoroughly riding Saturday and Sunday.

Blue Pinarello said...

Riding at 4:00 today (Sat) -- call or reply. Considering 40

Blue Pinarello said...

Rained out -- so trying to ride today if possible. Anyone convinced that they will want to go today ??

Kickstand said...

Hi all. I am planning a group ride Saturday morning around 9:00 am from Lexington High school for anyone who wants to get some miles a little slower than the normal ride from the shop. It should be about 40 miles, including riding across the dam. It will be a ride that will keep everyone together so nobody gets left back. If you're interested post a comment on either the Wednesday or Saturday ride blog. This is a ride I do regularly on Sat. and I really like the route.

jocdoc said...

Might be interested, slower sounds good this weekend. Just out of curiosity, what's the general route?

Kickstand said...

Leaving High school going down Hwy 1 through town to #6 all the way across dam, then turn around come back to Old Cherokee to Old Chapin to Beechcreek then mostly following the Wednesday night route. The only busy part is Hwy 1 to #6, but that time of day it's not usually too bad. Old cherokee can get a little busy somedays so I usually try to cut off on Catawba. Depending on the riders we could take #6 all the way to Irmo which would add about 10 miles and some hills, but I haven't done that yet and I wanted to see how everyone else felt about the extra miles.

jocdoc said...

Thanks, see you at the high school 9ish.

jocdoc said...

BC and I are riding up to Iva, SC to do the Safe Harbor ride Sat. morning....if anyone would like to join us give us a call or a post.
It's a fairly flat, 62 mile ride that supports a good cause in the area....good food at the end too.
Did it two years ago and had a blast...come join us.

Kickstand said...

I will be doing the Alternate Saturday ride for the "less fast" riders again this week. We will meet at Lexington High School and leave at 9:00 am. Everyone is welcome and we try to keep the group together. Hope to see you there. Last week we had 6 riders and averaged about 16 mph for about 40 miles.

blueruby said...

sorry i didn't come to the alternate saturday ride this week. i still plan on showing up whenever work permits... hope it was great. the weather was beautiful for it.

Blue Pinarello said...

Riding the Lake Loop on Saturday, June 6 to begin at 7:45. Some route sections may be different than previous rides, so road names (turns) and approximate distances will be posted before this coming Thursday. Concentrating on building a moderate to fast pace. Also working to refine this route every other week or three weeks.

Blue Pinarello said...

Lake Loop route Saturday 7:45 June 6: START CLOCKWISE from Mt. Horeb Church on Old Cherokee (0.5 MI from intersection Old Chapin) ***,-95.677068&sspn=32.114675,55.371094&ie=UTF8&ll=34.011084,-81.268229&spn=0.0164,0.027037&t=h&z=15&iwloc=A *** cross intersection St. Peter's Church continuing Old Cherokee -- left on Beechwood to bypass Hallmark Shores -- right on HWY 378 going distance to Traffic Circle -- merge right on HWY 391 going distance to right on Zion Church -- right on Bethel Church (HWY S-36-71) -- left on Seibert (S-36-87) -- right on Macadonia Church -- ALTERNATE ROUTE SECTION -- left on Wheeland (6 MI) to HWY 76 ***,-81.446671&sspn=0.016376,0.027037&ie=UTF8&ll=34.137419,-81.455984&spn=0.016375,0.027037&t=h&z=15&iwloc=A *** right on HWY 76 (0.5 MI) to Little Mountain and intersection 202 (4.5 MI) to Chapin (3.0 MI) to Hilton (1.75 MI) to White Rock (2.5 MI) to Ballentine -- right Dreher Shoals (HWY 6) also North Lake (HWY 6) -- across Lake Murray Dam -- continue North Lake to right on Pilgrim Church -- continue Pilgrim Church to intersection Old Cherokee -- stay straight Old Cherokee -- cross intersection Old Chapin -- continue Old Cherokee (0.5 MI) to FINISH

Ongoing details will be added.

Blue Pinarello said...

Mt. Horeb Church on Old Cherokee (0.75 MI from intersection Old Chapin)

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