This Blog in mainly for those that ride regularly with Bike To Nature. Anyone is welcome to comment.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Saturday Ride

You guys asked for a Blog site here it is. Blog away.


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Blue Pinarello said...

Lake Loop route Saturday 7:45 June 6 -- see above

Blue Pinarello said...

Lake Loop route Saturday 7:45 June 6 -- see below

Blue Pinarello said...

Lake Loop route Saturday 7:45 June 6:
START CLOCKWISE from Mt. Horeb Church on Old Cherokee (0.75 MI from intersection Old Chapin) ***,-95.677068&sspn=32.114675,55.371094&ie=UTF8&ll=34.011084,-81.268229&spn=0.0164,0.027037&t=h&z=15&iwloc=A ***
cross intersection St. Peter's Church continuing Old Cherokee -- left on Beechwood to bypass Hallmark Shores -- right on HWY 378 going distance to Traffic Circle -- merge right on HWY 391 going distance to right on Zion Church -- right on Bethel Church (HWY S-36-71) -- left on Seibert (S-36-87) -- right on Macadonia Church

ALTERNATE ROUTE SECTION -- left on Wheeland (6 MI) to HWY 76 ***,-81.446671&sspn=0.016376,0.027037&ie=UTF8&ll=34.137419,-81.455984&spn=0.016375,0.027037&t=h&z=15&iwloc=A ***
right on HWY 76 (0.5 MI) to Little Mountain and intersection 202 (4.5 MI) to Chapin

CONTINUE -- (3.0 MI) to Hilton (1.75 MI) to White Rock (2.5 MI) to Ballentine -- right Dreher Shoals (HWY 6) also North Lake (HWY 6) -- across Lake Murray Dam -- continue North Lake to right on Pilgrim Church -- continue Pilgrim Church to intersection Old Cherokee -- stay straight Old Cherokee -- cross intersection Old Chapin -- continue Old Cherokee (0.75 MI)

Forward this to others that might be willing.

Blue Pinarello said...

Lake Loop route alternating Saturdays 7:45 -- see previous entry for details

jocdoc said...

Anybody have a Sunday afternoon ride going, say around 2:00 or later?

Slow_Old_Man said...

The Weather for Saturday looks risky at best so if anyone needs to sag the Lake Ride or the BTN ride give me a call.
Greg cell 312-4976

Blue Pinarello said...

Lake Loop: planning to look at the weather 6:00am and make any necessary forfeit. May elect to ride wet and miserable.

Blue Pinarello said...

Lake Loop: all looks good to ride today. Hope to see other folks at the START (Mt. Horeb)

Slow_Old_Man said...

hope everyone had a good time and made it back safely...oh! and so much for my weather reports huh!

Blue Pinarello said...

Lake Loop: ALTERATION or CORRECTION -- Riding North on Hwy 391 crossing the Lake (causway) bridge and entering Newberry County -- 2 miles from County line the route will crest over a hill and appears to continue straight -- Hwy 391 actually turns to the left -- Walker is the road that appears straight ahead -- notice also that metal building in the fork is painted with "WALKER" on the side -- THIS IS THE CORRECT ROAD FROM HWY 391 -- soon turn right on Ira Kinard -- soon turn left on Houston -- continue to Bethel Church (road) turn left -- go 1 mile turn right on Seibert -- continue to Macadonia Church (road) -- notice FAIRVIEW PUBLIC SAFETY COMPLEX at intersection Seibert and Macadonia Church -- turn right on Macadonia Church -- soon turn left on Wheeland (first left on route) --

"WHEEL-LAND" is an alternate section on this route (6 MI) -- perfect pavement -- no rocks or debris -- historic scenery -- hills -- rolling perfection --

CONTINUE to Hwy 76 (Main Street) at Little Mountain -- turn right and 0.5 miles ahead WATER STOP at Frick's -- Town Center gazebo REST STOP across street --

CONTINUE to Chapin -- -- -- FINISH Lake Loop 24 miles to go from Little Mountain Town Center gazebo --

Pinarello waited for Bike To Nature group to ride thru Old Cherokee (8:15) to START Lake Loop -- continued ahead down Hwy 378 from the morning group to keep to the Lake Loop plan -- but determined to STOP at Little Mountain Town Center -- great place to STOP and meet other cyclist coming thru from Dutch Fork --

Planning to go on Lake Loop "WHEEL-LAND" ALTERNATE RIDE June 20 8:15 -- hope to see you there

Slow_Old_Man said...

I'm doing 50 miles Sunday from Gilbert to Irmo and back 16-17mph
if anyone would like to join me call Greg@ 312-4976.

Blue Pinarello said...

SATURDAY June 20 8:15:
START clockwise at Mt. Horeb Church on Old Cherokee (0.75 miles from intersection Old Chapin)
[Google Map link follows]
(2.0 mi) distance to CROSS intersection St. Peter's continuing Old Cherokee –
soon (0.2 mi) distance to LEFT on Beechwoods to bypass Hallmark Shores –
(2.0 mi) distance to RIGHT on (H378) –
(12.6 mi) distance to Traffic Circle –
veer RIGHT exit Traffic Circle onto (H391) continuing to Newberry County –
continue (H391) crossing Lake Murray (causway) bridge entering Newberry County –
(2.0 mi) distance to crest over hill appearing to continue STRAIGHT (H391) –
(H391) veers LEFT –
stay STRAIGHT (RIGHT) on Walker ahead – notice also metal building at intersection painted "WALKER” –
soon RIGHT on Ira Kinard –
soon LEFT on Houston –
LEFT on Bethel Church –
(1.0 mi) RIGHT on Seibert –
notice FAIRVIEW PUBLIC SAFETY COMPLEX at intersection Seibert and Macadonia Church –
RIGHT on Macadonia Church –
soon LEFT on Wheeland –

LEFT on Wheeland to (H76): perfect pavement – no rocks or debris – historic scenery – hills – rolling perfection
[Google Map link follows]
continue Wheeland to (H76) Main at Little Mountain –
RIGHT on Main (0.5 mi) WATER STOP Frick's – Town Center gazebo REST STOP (across street) –
continue from Little Mountain (24.0 mi) to FINISH

continue (4.5 mi) to Chapin (3.0 mi) to Hilton (1.75 mi) to White Rock (2.5 mi) to Ballentine –
RIGHT Dreher Shoals (also) North Lake (H6) –
veer RIGHT Lake Murray Blvd intersection –
CROSS Lake Murray Dam –
continue North Lake (H6) –
RIGHT Pilgrim Church after passing Pilgrim Church building on left side of road –
continue Pilgrim Church to (fork) intersection Old Cherokee –
stay STRAIGHT Old Cherokee –
CROSS intersection Old Chapin –
continue Old Cherokee (0.75 MI) to FINISH
START to FINISH apprx 70 miles
Planning to meet every other Saturday from June 20th – hope to see you soon. Please inform others and continue to send details to add to the ride description.

Anonymous said...

SATURDAY June 20 8:15:
START clockwise at Mt. Horeb Church on Old Cherokee (0.75 miles from intersection Old Chapin)
[Google Map link follows]
(2.0 mi) distance to CROSS intersection St. Peter's continuing Old Cherokee –
soon (0.2 mi) distance to LEFT on Beechwoods to bypass Hallmark Shores –
(2.0 mi) distance to RIGHT on (H378) –
(12.6 mi) distance to Traffic Circle –
veer RIGHT exit Traffic Circle onto (H391) continuing to Newberry County –
continue (H391) crossing Lake Murray (causway) bridge entering Newberry County –
(2.0 mi) distance to crest over hill appearing to continue STRAIGHT (H391) –
(H391) veers LEFT –
stay STRAIGHT (RIGHT) on Walker ahead – notice also metal building at intersection painted "WALKER” –
soon RIGHT on Ira Kinard –
soon LEFT on Houston –
LEFT on Bethel Church –
(1.0 mi) RIGHT on Seibert –
notice FAIRVIEW PUBLIC SAFETY COMPLEX at intersection Seibert\Macedonia Church –
RIGHT on Macedonia Church –
soon LEFT on Wheeland –

LEFT on Wheeland to (H76): perfect pavement – no rocks or debris – historic scenery – hills – rolling perfection
[Google Map link follows]
continue Wheeland to (H76) Main at Little Mountain –
RIGHT on Main (0.5 mi) WATER STOP Frick's – Town Center gazebo REST STOP (across street) –
continue from Little Mountain (24.0 mi) to FINISH

continue (4.5 mi) to Chapin (3.0 mi) to Hilton (1.75 mi) to White Rock (2.5 mi) to Ballentine –
RIGHT Dreher Shoals (also) North Lake (H6) –
veer RIGHT Lake Murray Blvd intersection –
CROSS Lake Murray Dam –
continue North Lake (H6) –
RIGHT Pilgrim Church after passing Pilgrim Church building on left side of road –
continue Pilgrim Church to (fork) intersection Old Cherokee –
stay STRAIGHT Old Cherokee –
CROSS intersection Old Chapin –
continue Old Cherokee (0.75 MI) to FINISH
START to FINISH apprx 70 miles

Blue Pinarello said...

Anyone riding with the Tour de Cure June 13 ?? 100 mile distance starts at 8:00 from Ballentine Park.

Kickstand said...

I have a sinus infection and taking antibiotics, so I don't know how it will affect my riding, but I would love to join in on that 50 miles from Gilbert next Saturday. Probably have to be around the 16 mph average though. Post some info. if you're doing it again.

Slow_Old_Man said...

I did the Gilbert to Irmo ride Sunday and had a blast,I averaged 16.8 alone, this ride has some nice climbing as well.
If anyone wants to do this ride Saturday morning let me know...we can leave my house in Gilbert or any meeting place you like, call me and we can workout the details.
Greg 312-4976

athenian said...

7.30 kmart no race 50 plus miles

Slow_Old_Man said...

Is the ride leaving kmart an open ride and if it is , what pace is anticipated?

Anonymous said...

17plus no drops for health.

Slow_Old_Man said...

Great Ride Patrick and Caroline, Thanks!

Blue Pinarello said...

Tour de Cure was hot -- 64 miles and I was cooked. Hope to see folks for the LAKE LOOP ALTERNANT "WHEEL-LAND" DETOUR on June 20 8:15 START at Mt. Horeb. See previous LAKE LOOP entry for details.

Slow_Old_Man said...

anyone in the Lex/Gilbert area want to join me for 25-50 @ 17 (pace and dist depending on wind/heat) this afternoon? Greg 3124976 or

athenian said...

riding monday tuesday morning anybody want to ride let me know.

Blue Pinarello said...

Athenian -- what time on Tuesday morning and where are you heading?? Will need to ride moderately 30-40 miles.

Anonymous said...

might do the tuesday morning ride with you guys but I need to know what a "moderate" pace is and start time?

Blue Pinarello said...

This would be an "unofficial" ride, as there is no established regular ride happening Tuesday morning. I can only commit to 20-25 miles in Lexington at 16-20 mph -- and then will be riding into downtown Columbia afterwards. Need to START between 8 and 9 to FINISH before 10:30. Then another hour to get to work downtown. START at Mt. Horeb Church on Old Cherokee??

Blue Pinarello said...

8:15 at Mt. Horeb on Old Cherokee
We can go 25-30 miles if you prefer -- try to FINISH before 10

athenian said...

ride 9.30 30 to 40 miles fat burning at the pig if not raining.

Blue Pinarello said...

Too late for me to START at 9:30 -- we can try to coordinate another time. Talk to me at the Wednesday evening ride if RAIN permits (6:00@PIG). Also have to watch out for too many miles right now as I am feeling the effects of over training. 30 or 40 plus 18 miles riding into Downtown Columbia would ruin me for Wednesday. Planning on pushing myself the entire ride on Wednesday. Then a moderate ride Thursday also at 6:00

Slow_Old_Man said...

I'll be riding Tuesday from the Gibbes used car lot at the intersection of Priceville Rd and Hwy #1 in Gilbert to Hwy 378 into Lexington back up #1 at Ben Satcher to Priceville... Tuesday ...starting around 7PM 25 miles at about 18mph if anyone wants to join me... pace and start time is negotiable. 794.1377

Slow_Old_Man said...

Weather Permitting... Saturday & Sunday ride...I can do AM or PM 50 miles @ 16-18 depending on headwinds. I'll be doing an out and back from Gilbert to Irmo via Priceville Rd #378 #1 and #6. 794-1377

Blue Pinarello said...

See previous post for RIDE details -- 70 miles to FINISH at Mt. Horeb

athenian said...

riding sunday 4.00kmart 30 to 50miles.

Slow_Old_Man said...

Last Call for EARLY Saturday Morning ride into Irmo from the Gilbert area or we can meet between Gilbert and Irmo...50 miles @ 16-18 headwind will dictate pace. 312-4976
just looking for a fun casual ride.

Kickstand said...

I can meet you at the IGA for 40 miles around 8:00. Need to stay around 16 - 17 mph though. I am still not completely recovered from sinus infection and the heat today is going to be a killer. I will call you when I am about ready.

Blue Pinarello said...

See previous post for CLOCKWISE RIDE details -- 70 miles to FINISH at START Mt. Horeb

jocdoc said...

Athenian, if it's not 200 degrees Sunday I might join you. What's your usual avg. speed, don't want to hold you up?

Anonymous said...


Slow_Old_Man said...

jocdoc...I see Athenian has not responded yet so I'll do so...I did 40 miles with him last week and we did around 18.5 but he was very flxable...he dropped me a gazillion times and waited on me so I doubt pace will matter to him...he just wants to ride.
I might showup as well and I'm an 18 mph guy if that's ok!

athenian. said...

17 18 mph im little late. phone dead.let me know.

athenian said...

If anybody want to ride monday afternoon and tuesday it

Slow_Old_Man said...

I can do Monday afternoon...what pace and distance did you have in mind?

Anonymous said...

I'm doing 25 @ 18 this afternoon if anyone wants to join me!

athenian said...

ride 9.30 am 30 to 40 miles at the pig.anybody want to ride call me 6081643.17plus.

jocdoc said...

BC and I are doing a 60-65 mile ride Saturday morning leaving at 7:00AM from K-Mart parking lot. BC is begining his Ironman training in earnest so there are lot's more of the these coming up prior to his November swim, ride and run extravaganza. We avg. around 17+, just long moderately paced rides. The more the merrier so join us if you can. You won't be left behind, we are old and slow.

ATHENIAN said...


athenian said...

riding friday afternoon 3.30 anybody want to ride let me know.

Slow_Old_Man said...

I'm considering doing the 7am ride from Kmart in the morning but would feel better with a Que sheet or something similar...I'm 98% certain I'll be dropped like a "Box of Rocks" and would feel better about riding if I knew I wasn't slowing up faster riders and they could ride on and I could follow the same route and get back at my own pace, I have someone on standby that will pick me up if I have a problem so no one needs to wait on this doable?

Blue Pinarello said...

VERY HOT -- LAKE LOOP ALTERNANT RIDE will go COUNTER=CLOCKWISE and start at 6:30 or 7:00 to make an earlier FINISH (11:00)

Blue Pinarello said...

NEXT LAKE LOOP (for myself) is JULY 11 -- we (2) did 69 miles today JUNE 27 and were "cooked" under extreme heat conditions. Consideration of time and heat convinced us to move the ride time to 6:30 or 7:00 -- a nice time to depart. Also meet at the "new" elementary school east-entrance on Old Cherokee.

jocdoc said...

BC and I are talking about a Friday morning ride.....just talking right now but if anyone is interested keep it mind. This kind of talk usually leads to a ride so the prospects are good.

jocdoc said...

BC, me and probably Hop are meeting at Midway Elementary for a 7:00AM departure. Headed over to the Peak, Little Mtn. area for a 55-60 mile ride at a 17+ pace, no hammering, just a steady roll. Come join us.

athenian said...

ride thursday afternoon.4.oo clock at the pig.w

jocdoc said...

Anybody have a Sat. morning ride planned (other than the BTN ride)?

athenian said...

ride at kmart 7.00 or 7.30 50 to 70 miles.

jocdoc said...

Nice 64 mile ride with Athenian this morning. Would like to ride Tuesday morning if anyone is interested. Usually meet at K-Mart
but can meet anywhere. Start around 7:00ish, or a bit later. Whatever works. Let me know.

Anonymous said...

i can ride tuesday morning.give me call.

Anonymous said...


jocdoc said...

OK, great.....let's meet at K-Mart 7:45. Will try to call you later.

jocdoc said...

Windy Tues. morn, Patrick rode strong but it sure kicked my hinny. BC and I will probably ride Thursday afternoon after 4 or 5. Give me a call or post and I'll firm up the details if anyone wants to go.

Blue Pinarello said...

Remember to consider this

surfyaker said...

I'm finally back home again! So......what's on tap for tomorrow? Anyone? Anyone?

Blue Pinarello said...

Ride with BTN at 8:00

athenian said...

ride sunday at 3.00 clock kmart.40 plus miles.

Unknown said...

Tuesday morning ride, start around 7:30 from K-Mart. Route and distance up for grabs, we'll decide when we get there, at least 40+.

Blue Pinarello said...

Saturday July 18 8:00 BTN -- only two (including me) showed. Maybe this is vacation week. Hope to see the group next week -- 8:00. Planning to invite a cyclist in Lexington to meet at BTN.

jocdoc said...

Patrick, Hop and me meeting at K-Mart 7:30 for a 50ish mile ride. I'm slow, they're fast, so no one will get left behind if you want to join us.

Blue Pinarello said...

I got my Road ID today. Who wants a discount coupon to order yours ??

Blue Pinarello said...

8:00 -- right-o ?? Ready to go with most everyone this coming Saturday -- last week (July 18) only two (including me) departed BTN.

Roubaix77 said...

Would like to get some riders for Saturday. Aug 1st. Willing to keep the pace down if we can get a good showing. The tour is over no more excuses. Leaving 8am sharp. Would also like to see of you on facebook too.

Blue Pinarello said...

July 25 BTN (departed 8:05) an enthusiastic three went 80.5 km. Remaining 8.5 km finished strong at 46+ km/hr. Continuing same aim next 8 weeks. Start 7:30 ?? 7:45 ??

Blue Pinarello said...

Promoting MapMyRide group LEX2112 to push pace --

athenian said...

ride monday 9.00am pig 378.

Blue Pinarello said...

Planning to take 23 tooth off the back and adding 11 tooth on the front of 8 speed Campy. July 25 ride uncovered a need for one more gear at finish.

Blue Pinarello said...

BTN48 route posted at MapMyRide within 1121 group

Roubaix77 said...

Looks rainy guys I am gonna have to pass on this one.

Blue Pinarello said...

Aug 1 BTN46 route similar to one posted at MapMyRide within 1121 group
No rain and great overcast. Entire ride proved to be good and strong -- last 5 miles pushed the pace up to a 30+ mph finish. This one bears repeating -- weekly.

Blue Pinarello said...

Encouraging a 1221 group to visit

jocdoc said...

BC and jocdoc leaving from Midway Elementary 7:00AM toward Irmo, Peak, etc....about 60miles+. Come join us.

jocdoc said...

Ironman training series continues Sat. morn.....leaving from Irmo High 7:30 for 60+mile ride. Meet in the parking lot behind the school off Emory Lane (come in the back gate by the baseball field off Emory).
BC (also known as 'the rocket') is beginning to amp up his mileage for his Ironman in Nov. We have lots of fun on these rides so give them a thought and come ride.

dktarmac said...

FYI-Windmill Road has a new surface, Gravel/Asphalt....kinda superficially cut my rear tires up....Kickstand told me wednesday night that Lewie rd was the same surface. They are both very ridable, but a couple of weeks might let the sharp stones settle.....



jocdoc said...

Thanks for the Windmill info...good thing to know.
The Ironman Express was well attended Sat. morn. with Martin, Caroline, Steve, and me following the rocket around Peak, Little Mtn., Chapin and back to Irmo. BC is in top form and looking to start some serious training in the next I have said these are long, moderately paced rides. Loads of fun. Don't know the exact plan for this coming Sat. but I'm sure there is one weather permitting. Stay tuned and come join us.

jocdoc said...

BC is going to Augusta for a ride this weekend with his Ironman buddies.....anyone interested in a ride Sat. morn, start around 7:00 ish. Can meet anywhere, just need to be at the high school by 12.
Or...ride with the BTN boys?

CK said...

Martin, John, and I would like to ride on Saturday morning through the Peak area and on all those nice roads. Just post the starting place and time, and we'll be there!

jocdoc said...

Great.....if you don't mind let's meet at Irmo High again at 7:30 and we'll take off. Hopefully I'll be a bit better prepared this time.

jocdoc said...

The BC Ironman training series continues Saturday morning. Barry needs 80 miles this time so we have moved the start time to 6:30AM. Probably leaving from Irmo High again....will post any changes.
Come join us. We are heading out to Peak and beyond....traveling into the unknown, could be a real adventure.

jocdoc said...

Barry needs about a four hour ride Sat.morning in his training plan. Will probably leave from Irmo High 6:30 or 7:00. Will post exact time later this week.
Last weeks ride was great; perfect weather, great company.
Come join us.

jocdoc said...

We will leave from Irmo High 7:00AM for a 60-65 mile ride this Saturday.
Another ride in the BC Ironman training series....moderate (17.5-18) pace with one stop to refuel. We are flexible and don't fuss if someone needs a stop to visit a tree etc. Come on out, last week was great.
We may go around the lake or out around Peak and such. Always open for suggestions.

jocdoc said...

Another great ride Saturday (19th) is the Dam Swim so the BC Ironman Training series will probably be Sunday morning. Barry needs a 5+ hour ride so this will be a long one. Always great to have company on these so think about joining us.

surfyaker said...

So.......what time do we leave on Sunday morning and from where? Let me know, I am interested! Whether I can make it or not, I am interested! ;-)

jocdoc said...

I plan to do the Assault on Little Mtn. BC has a half-Ironman competition Sunday in Augusta to he's passing on this years ride. My plan is to do the METRIC Century unless there is a big group from BTN that wants to do the whole deal.
The past two years not that many folks have done the full century and I ended up riding the last 40 miles by myself....
Anyway, hope we can have a big turnout from the BTN group. See you there.

Kickstand said...

Greg and I are riding in the morning around 8:00 or 8:30 am. We are leaving the IGA in Gilbert heading down #1 to #6 across the dam to St. Andrews road and then back. Maybe the backroads back maybe same route, undecided.Probably average somewhere between 1 and 75 mph.:-) Just kidding, should be only about 16 or 17.
If you want to meet us at the IGA or along the route Post a comment and we will look for you. If not everyone ride safe and have a great weekend.

Jason said...

I would like to join you in the am. I can meet you either at 8 or 8:30. I will be there at 8.

Kickstand said...

Greg got called to work this morning so it will just be the two of us. I will ride up to the IGA about 8:00 or 8:15. If it is raining we will have to postpone but I haven't looked at the weather yet. See you there.

jocdoc said...

The Assault on Little Mtn. went reasonably wet, heavy mist the whole ride, but no down pours. The ride turnout was small, probably only 50 riders or so. They had a great route with the four loops all starting from Little Mtn. so there were lots of choices for your riding pleasure.
Hopefully next year they will have better weather and a better turnout.

jocdoc said...

We are leaving from Irmo High in the morning at 7:30. Riding out around Peak, Little Mtn. etc. We will be back at Irmo around 11:45 and Barry will push on for a few more miles to get his 5 hours in. Come join us for part or all. If you want to cut out about a hour of the ride meet us at Dutch Fork High around eight. (avg 17-17.5mph)

Kickstand said...

Greg and I are planning our usual saturday morning ride. Leaving Gilbert IGA at 8:15 going down #1 to #6 and across dam all the way to St. Andrews road. Approximately 45 - 50 miles. Greg says we are taking it easy, so come ride with us. I will check this blog in the morning before I leave and we can pick you up along the way if you want.

Kickstand said...

Almost Forgot, "Weather Permiting".

jocdoc said...

Barry and I will be riding out of Irmo High again this Saturday (17th). We are looking at a 7:00AM start time and are heading up toward Peak, Pomaria, etc. for a long ride (I'm guessing around 85 or longer....depending on his training schedule). These rides are 17 to 17.5 mph on some really peacefull country roads. If you want a little shorter ride meet us at Dutch Fork High school about 7:45 and you can knock off twenty miles.
Come on out and ride, the more the merrier.

surfyaker said...

Hey everyone!


I just now thought about getting this info out to everyone, but TOMORROW is the "Tour de Leaves" in Tryon, NC! It is a fantastic metric century through some gorgeous country. It's not quite a two hour drive to Tyron up I-26 and the ride doesn't start until 9:00!! Great ride! Check it out at:

Next up on October 24th is a real classic! The "Tour de Nantahala"! If you're going to do this one (and you really should!) make sure you're in shape! The big ride is 107 miles with two unbelieveable climbs, the worst comes at mile 80!! But talk about a beautiful, well supported and fun, they really don't get any better than this! If you don't want to do both horrific climbs, they have two shorter routes that include only one big climb! One is 65 miles and the other is 45 miles. Unfortunately, this isn't a day trip. You'll want to stay for at least Friday night and if you want to enjoy all the celebration, you'll want to stay Saturday night also! Check it out at:

jocdoc said...

Another training ride with Barry this Saturday. Leaving from Irmo High at 7:30AM toward Peak, Pomaria, Little Mtn. and Chapin. I think Barry needs about 85 miles this time so come join us. Avg. about 17+mph; easy pace, just a good long ride on great country roads. Meet us at Dutch Fork High around 8:15ish if you want to knock off 20 miles.

jocdoc said...

OK, change in plans....BC got his long ride in on Friday. We will not be leaving from Irmo at 7:30. May do a 90 min. recovery ride sometime Sat. morn depending on the weather. Will post that later today.
If anyone has other plans for Sat. let me know...may want to join you.

jocdoc said...

OK, again...we will leave from Irmo High at 8:00AM, BC is doing a short recovery ride, Hop and I will do a bit more...probably around 60, not much more, could be less. Sorry for the confusion.
Come on and join us.

Blue Pinarello said...

For me -- these Winter months will focus on USA Road Race training. Meeting Dutch Fork Middle group at 8:30 each Saturday -- ride expects 20+ avg for 50 or more miles. My first encounter with this group gave three hours constant rain, but 19.5 avg. Finishing the route four riders (including myself) went into full sprint on a demanding climb.

jocdoc said...

I am looking for a group to ride with Sat. morning.....just let me know where and when and what time.

CK said...

Martin and I will plan to ride from K-Mart at 8:00AM Saturday with jocdoc and others interested in a steady, endurance ride. This ride is not a race. The weather is predicted to be nice, so we hope to have a nice group.

jodcoc said...

Great....see you at K-Mart in the am.

CK said...

Martin, Patrick, and I are planning a ride Saturday morning at 10AM from the Piggly Wiggly. Please join us.

jocdoc said...

Another option if you need to leave a bit earlier.....Barry and I will leave from Midway Elementary at 8:00ish and do the Gilbert Loop, about 30 or so miles.
I plan to ride back across the dam and round about for some more miles but will have to stop at the high school and work for awhile before heading back.
Lots to choose from....take care.

jocdoc said...

I'm looking for someone to ride with Sat. morning.....still have to be back at the high school at 12:00 this if you are leaving early let me know.

CK said...

Martin and I are riding about
8:30ish on Saturday. We can meet at the entrance to Mariner's Creek Subdivision on Hwy 378. Call me in the morning if you prefer another meeting place.

jocdoc said...

I'll be at the entrance at 8:30ish. See you then.

jocdoc said...

Well, for me, football is over unfortunately. The good news is now I have a little more time to ride and would love to do some over the Thanksgiving Holidays. If anyone has any plans to ride let me know and we'll see if we can get together.
Weds. afternoon looks good, maybe even Thursay afternoon, anytime Friday and preferably Sat. morning. If any of those times fits your schedule give me a call or post your preference.
Have a nice Thanksgiving, we certainly have a lot to be thankful for.

jocdoc said...

If it's not raining anybody want to ride Saturday? Sometime in the morning. Let me know.

jocdoc said...

OK, lets ride Saturday...someone make a plan or let me know your plan. Mid-morning or earlier works for me, meet anywhere. I'll get up with Hop and BC and try and get them on board.

jocdoc said...

Merry Christmas everyone. Hope you had a great one.
Anybody have a plan to ride Sat. morn.?

jocdoc said...

OK, it's not that cold. Caroline and I rode last Sat. mid-morning and did not perish. I want to ride Sat. so someone step up and let's make a plan.

CK said...

I'm in for the Saturday ride. Either post the plans or give me a call. Any time or place is OK.

surfyaker said...

Alrighty then.........what time and where? 8:00am good with you guys? Or do we want to wait until it warms up.........say, in the afternoon?

jocdoc said...

I would be interested in a long ride Sat. morning over in the Peak, Little Mtn. area if anyone is interested. We could leave from Midway Elementary and get in 60 or so miles.
Let me know and we can make a plan.

jocdoc said...

We are going to meet at Midway Elem. at 8:30. Riding over around Peak, Little Mtn., should be 60+ miles at a moderate pace. If you want something shorter meet us at Dutch Fork High school around 10.

jocdoc said...

Saturday March 20th 65 mile ride from Dutch Fork HS sponsored by Lexington Medical Center. Go to: or call 936-8850.
Let's do it!!

jocdoc said...

Great Ride in Aiken coming up:
Sunday, April 25, 2010
H. Odell Weeks Recreation Center
1700 Whiskey Road
Aiken, SC 29803
Day of Registration opens at 7:00 AM
The course opens at 8:00 AM
Full & Metric routes plus a 25 mile challenge loop

jocdoc said...

Sunday Ride this weekend around me for details Sat.night if interested, we should have things firmed up by then. Call BTN, I think Dave has my cell number if you don't.

jocdoc said...

Hope I'm not the only one looking at this blog?????
Anybody up for a Saturday ride, weather looks better than its been?

jocdoc said...

BC, Hop, me and possibly others meeting at Midway Elementary 8:45ish and leaving at 9:00, heading over to Peak and those parts.....about a 50+mile ride around 17mph.
Come join us.

surfyaker said...


Hi everyone!

Check out and be sure to sign up for this great ride! Beginning and ending at Lexington High School, this ride takes you over the dam do Dutch Fork High School, on to Peak, along Parr Reservoir, over to Little Mountain, then around the upper part of the Lake to the traffic circle and then back to the High School on low traffic back roads. There will also be 62-72 mile route, a 30 mile route and a 15 mile route. Also, if you're a Facebook junkie, look up the Tour de Midlands on FB! There is a fan page and an events page. Sign up for both and then come out and join us on May 15th for a ride that is sure to become a classic!

See you there!

jocdoc said...

Another ride to consider.....the Tour de Lake sponsored by the Lake Murray Rotary Club will be Sat. April 24th, a 72 mile ride around the Lake leaving and ending at Saluda Shoals Park on Old Bush River Rd. Go to for details and registration.

CK said...

Another good ride coming up on April 18th is the Dam Ride Around the Lake at Clarks Hill. Here's the link for more information. It has great SAG support and a catered meal at the end! Good T-shirt too.

Anonymous said...

Don't forget the Lexington Medical Center Ride at Dutch Fork Sat. Go to the web site for details.

surfyaker said...

Hi guys! If you're a Facebook junkie.....check out the Sunset Cyclists Facebook page and post any rides you are doing or want to do, request some company on your ride, or just discuss riding related "stuff" with others!

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