This Blog in mainly for those that ride regularly with Bike To Nature. Anyone is welcome to comment.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Saturday Ride

You guys asked for a Blog site here it is. Blog away.


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dktarmac said...

This works. Nice ride out of Kmart Saturday. It was cold Cold. Me, Scott D, 10 Pound, Barry, Don, Caroline, rode the Gilbert loop.

Lets get base mile in folks!

Anonymous said...

Hey! Who you callin' "10-pound"?!?!?

Hey! I like the blog! Nice job Roubaix! I put in another 30 Sunday afternoon with Scott. Beautiful. You know, I've been thinking we need to have our own jerseys. Of course they could read;"Sunset Cyclists", but I've become rather fond of "The Wild Hogs"!! HA HA HA! (speaking for myself, of course!)

Anonymous said...

This is great, let's use it and post our 'other day' rides as well so we can hook up....always safer than riding solo.

Anonymous said...

Great idea, I ride most Sundays alone and would sure like some company.

Anonymous said...

im riding tuesday if anybody wants to ride. let me know. 10 pound

Anonymous said...

Tuesday ride, January 8, 10:30AM, starting from Mariner's Creek Subdivision off of Hwy. 378, 176 Mariner's Creek Drive... Three or four people already planning to ride... including 10 pound, I think.

Rooskie said...

Hey guys, looks like the weather is going to be nice Saturday morning. Anybody up for the regular 7:45 dealio???

Rooskie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

make it 8:00 and I'll be there!

Anonymous said...

i be there 8.00 sat

Anonymous said...

See you at eight.

Anonymous said...

Wednesday ride, January 16, 10:30AM... Starting from Mariner's Creek Subdivision off of Hwy 378, 176 Mariner's Creek Drive.

Anonymous said...

Cold weather moving in but I do want to ride Saturday. Shall we meet at K-Mart for a 10:00 departure?? Since 10 LB. is our social chairman and ride coordinator he'll make the call; just throwing out a suggestion.

Anonymous said...

i be there at 10.00 kmart its going to be cold

surfyaker said...

Saturday is NOT looking like a good day for anyone but a penguin! However, today (Friday) is looking real good! Sunday is looking pretty good too!

Anyone interested?

Anonymous said...

Sunday might work, just don't know when I can go yet...probably around 1:30ish if all works out.
I've got Monday off-anybody want to hook up around 1:00ish for an afternoon ride? (could possibly go a little earlier)

Anonymous said...

i ride sunday if get off work early they calling for rain to snow on sat let it snow!

surfyaker said...

1:30 or 2:00, anytime is good for me in the afternoon, as long as all the snow has melted! I might be up for a ride Monday too! Keep me posted!

surfyaker said...

Dress warmly oh ye riders of Sunday afternoon! High Sunday afternoon of only 39 degrees with winds out of the northwest at 5 - 15 mph! Yikes!! Brrrr.....

I'm thinking 2:00 -2:30!?!? Thoughts?

Anonymous said...

Meet at 2:00 in the parking lot of Mt. Horeb Church? Anywhere else is fine too.

surfyaker said...

Mount Horeb sounds like a fantastic place to meet! I was going to suggest that! I suppose great minds do think alike! I'll try to be there as close to 2:00 as possible!

Anonymous said...

Weather permitting... Tuesday ride, January 22, at 10:30AM from 176 Mariner's Creek Drive.

Anonymous said...

Rode Sunday with Hop, 10 lb, CK and Martin, we nearly froze but got our miles in. Monday was cold too, seemed colder in some ways. Out of town Sat., if anyone is riding Sunday 1:30ish or 2:00 I'd like to go.

Anonymous said...

ride sat 10.30 kmart. if anybody want to ride let me know.pat

dktarmac said...

Saturday ride was Cold!! I am also not so sure we didn't have moderate Sleet riding into Gilbert. Me, 10#, Barry, Don, CK, and Robert. 34 miles. I hope everyone gets out today since I cannot. The life of an accountant's Husband. I am off to the Zoo with the Kiddies.

Anonymous said...

What's the plan for Sat.? Weather looks OK with a high of 62, low of 35. K-Mart at 9:00ish or something else??? Where's 10 lb when we need a decision?

Anonymous said...

9.00 a clock sounds good. my last ride on my raleigh if my tarmac pro frame comes in.

dktarmac said...

9AM is fine, but I would like to see the forecast. Sure would be nice to start in 45+degree weather for a change.

9 or later I am in.

dktarmac said...

Saturday weather calls for 40 at 9 and 45 at 10AM. It should be in the 50's by 11. I just spoke with Patrick. Lets meet at KMart at 10Is that ok with everyone?

Anonymous said...

Sunday at 2 in the Kmart parking lot if anyone wants to ride.

Anonymous said...

Barry, 10 lb and I rode Sunday; about 33 miles in beautiful weather. It was the inaugural ride for Patricks new frame and it looks fantastic. If you see a black, gold and yello blur on the road it's probably 10 lb.

Anonymous said...

what do yall want to ride sat.

Anonymous said...

what time do yall want to ride sat.

Rooskie said...

Let's try 8am from the sto! Any takers???

Anonymous said...

thats cool

Anonymous said...

See you at 8:00. Maybe we can get in a few extra miles???

Anonymous said...

Saturday from the "sto" sounds great as long as 10 pound don't ride hard

dktarmac said...

I'll be there. 10 pound got a tow rope? Rooskie?

Anonymous said...

"Ya'll" have a great ride Saturday! I'm camping with the Boy Scouts so I won't be making it then. I think I'm going to try to ride this afternoon sometime, anyone up for a Friday afternoon ride?

Anonymous said...

I am proposing a route for Saturday morning. I have it mapped out on Go to the website, click on Search for Runs. Put in Lexington, SC in the location window. The ride is called '50 mile route' entered by jocdoc.

Anonymous said...

i be there at 8.00 an ready to roll. it looks like a big group sat. some columbia guys are coming. see yall sat

Rooskie said...

My only constraint is being back in time to be at the soccer field by noon. The youngster has a game and pics. Ugg!!!

dktarmac said...

I am on the same schedule Rooskie

Anonymous said...

anybody want to ride sunday.2.00or3.00

Anonymous said...

Patrick, read the blog too late and missed your post about a ride today. Ended up riding with a neighbor and battled the wind for most of the ride BUT had one of those great runs down US 1 from Priceville with that tremedous tailwind. What a rush!! Out of town next weekend so everyone take care.

Anonymous said...

thursday ride at the pig at 3.00 let me know if anybody wants to ride.

Rooskie said...

Hey, are we doing the 8AM dealio this Saturday again?

Anonymous said...

yes,im planning on it.

dktarmac said...

Looks like the Ride Leaves from BTN at 8AM tomorrow. Should be up in the low 50's by 9AM. I plan to be there, hope everyone can make it.

Anonymous said...

Anybody want to ride 2:30ish or 3:00 today? We can meet in the K-Mart lot or anywhere else. Give me a call or a 'blog'.

Anonymous said...

sorry man rode 25miles on the mountain bike.

Anonymous said...

Way to go, catch you next weekend.

Anonymous said...

monday ride 3.30 kmart

dktarmac said...

Interesting ride today. Mostly a Pleasure cruise due to the wind. 17+mph from the west.

10 pound and I did 23 miles, and had a great 8 mile run down US 1 with the tailwind. Ever want to feel like you are riding in the pro peleton? Ride with that kind of tail wind. It was awesome!

Anonymous said...

I'll be at a wrestling tournament all day Saturday...plan to ride Sunday around 2:00 if anyone is interested. Leave from the K-Mart parking lot?

Anonymous said...

10.00amkmart parking lot

Anonymous said...

didnt make sat ride planning on riding sun at 3.00 kmart if cant make i let you know.

Anonymous said...

riding monday if anybody wants to ride let me know. recovery ride

dktarmac said...

What Time?

Anonymous said...

a couple of us are planning on riding the assault on carolinas. i trying to get a group together. let me know who wants to do it.

Anonymous said...

Count me in, sounds like a great idea. Really enjoyed the Sunday ride with Hop and 10 pound. We had a great ride; met a new guy named Joe along the way who rode into Gilbert with us, a real nice fellow. Then the highlight of the day was running into dk toward the end and finishing down US 1 into the wind. Hope to see everyone Sat. morn. Have a great week.

Anonymous said...

I have the mail-in application forms for the March 29th Assault on the Carolinas for anyone who needs one.

Rooskie said...

OK, let's get this started early. I spent last weekend in Charleston at a wedding and eating lots of good, but bad food! What's the plan for Saturday morning? 8am at the shop? You guys may need to pull me around as it will be 2 weeks since being on the bike. Also, what's the Assault on the Carolina's. I need details brathas!

Anonymous said...


dktarmac said...

The Sunday ride was fun back into Lexington, but to clarify things, you guys "met up" with me on the road, 10 pound "ran into" Hop's Backwheel....

I am out for the Assault. I have a conference to attend.

Saturday looks good enough for an 8AM in start at the Shop. Watch the weather but right now I think it will warm up fast.

dktarmac said...

Further more. Kudos to Patrick...nice peice of bike handling!!!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

sunday ride 2.00or3.00 kmart 40to50miles.

dktarmac said...


Comments on this if you will, but that Stupid dog on the first climb of Windmill is one of the reasons I make it accros that hill and the rest of that SOB of a road....

Well we almost lost him today didnt we? Dog biscuits in the back pockets next week fellows!!!!


Rooskie said...

I included the "near miss" in my blog. Check it out

Anonymous said...

2:00 at Kmart sounds good to me, could go a little later if that suits better.

Anonymous said...

Barry, 10 lb and I had a great ride Sunday in the wind, got in about 40+. Did part of Windmill and am happy to say our dog buddies seem no worse from their near disaster Saturday. They gave a great effort as we came down the hill this time and showed the true 'spirit of the chase'. I agree with dk that we need to do something for them when we go by, perhaps dog biscuits will keep them off the road and and should be required 'kit' when we take that route. (maybe 10 lb can bring some old steak from the store to toss their way). Dr. Mike showed once again what a great guy he is on Sat. when he went back to help out Patrick. Unfortunately he missed seeing Patrick in the group and we ended up going off and leaving him as he went on the resue mission. Sorry doc, we will try to get our signals straight in the future.

Anonymous said...

im riding thursday afternoon if anybody wants to ride let me know.

Anonymous said...

not riding sat plan on riding sunday 2.30kmart parking lot.50to60miles.

dktarmac said...

The wind tomorrow will be ugly. 20-25 MPH. I think it is unsafe to ride in those conditions.

10# is riding at 2:30 Sunday, I have a soccer game so I cant get out til 4PM. If anyone want to ride late call me.

Anonymous said...

i catch you on the roads and ride 30miles with you.10#

Anonymous said...

10 lb and I rode up to Monetta and back Sunday through the country. The roads were great until Chinquapin Rd becomes Two Notch; rough road after that all the way back to Gilbert. Got in 58 miles, lucky for me 10 lb was there to pull me back. Everybody think about a Lake ride Sat., should tap out at around 65 miles on the route I have planned.

Anonymous said...

riding monday 4.00kmart.

dktarmac said...

FYI Riders

I am riding most nights now at 6PM and can hook up with anyone at KMart. Rode a short course of 18 miles tonight and had plenty of daylight to stretch this out some.

Give me a shout out or post if you want to come along.

Anonymous said...

Im thinking about starting a weekly mountainbiking ride.give me your input on it day and time.

dktarmac said...

Ride Wednesday Night

We will leave promptly at 6PM from Lexington High Parking lot.

The route will be US1 back towards town then Wise Ferry to Beechcreek and on to the usual route up Springhill Rd. Depending on daylight at that point we will either head back to town on US1 at St Pauls Church rd or proceed on to Priceville Rd and back on US1.

Minimum 20 Miles. Maybe 25. It got dark real fast on Patrick and me tonight, so bring tail lights please.

Call me with questions.


Roubaix77 said...

Dave is interested in the Mountainbiking Stuff. I will get with you on a time.

Rooskie said...

So what's on the platter this Saturday? Hopefully the rain won't come until the afternoon. Is everybody wanting to do the 8am dealio?

Anonymous said...

BC and I are riding around the lake Sat. morning. Leaving from the parking lot at Lexington HS at 7:45. If anyone else would like to tag along come on, the more the merrier.

Anonymous said...

I be at the high school if the weather looks good.

Rooskie said...

Will you guys be going clockwise?

Anonymous said...

same direction i think weather doesnt look good.

Anonymous said...

We will ride clockwise from Lexington HS. Start down 1 to Priceville...Windmill to Cedar Grove and work our way back to 378
and hopefully do some back rodes over to Chapin, bypassing Prosperity and Little Mountain.

Anonymous said...

I not doing the lake loop.saturday riding from the bike shop at 8.00.sunday no ride got to work.monday plan on riding anybody out there want to ride.hitmeup.

Rooskie said...

As much as I'd love to do the lake loop I'm going to have to opt for the normal ride from the store. I'll be there at 8 weather permitting. I have to give a safety talk around mid day.

Anonymous said...

didnt ride saturday.plan on riding around 10.00morning sunday. plan on riding to work later in the day.

Anonymous said...

Anybody want to ride around 3:30 or 4:00 today? Can meet anywhere.

dktarmac said...

Beautiful Day. Joc Doc and I rode 30 miles at 4:00 and the weather was absolutely fabulous.

I am riding tomorrow from KMart at 5:45ish if anyone wants to come along.

Anonymous said...

I be there!

Anonymous said...

looks like rain wednesday.maybe we can get a group together thursday.

Rooskie said...

If anybody has Good Friday off Me and another buddy of mine are going to F.A.T.S. to ride. Leaving Lexington at about 8:30 AM. Let me know.

Anonymous said...

sorry bro cant make to work

Anonymous said...

riding from lexington high at 6.00.

Anonymous said...

who all riding saturday Im thinking 50 to 70 miles who up for it.

dktarmac said...

I am up for about 50

Rooskie said...

FATS is closed. Riding at Harbison today at 10am. Meeting a couple of buds in the parking lot and probably doing 3 hours or so.

Sorry I'm missing out on the ride tomorrow. I'll be out of town.

Anonymous said...

I have a 65+ mile route mapped out that includes Red Neck Mtn. backwards, Windmill and a few others; trying to maximize the climbing for the Assault on the Carolinas. There are options to reduce the mileage for those with time constraints. 7:30 at the Bike shop.

Anonymous said...

assault on carolinas what the plan on the day to ride up.

Anonymous said...

I think the plan is to go up that morning. Let's talk mid-week and finalize our plans. BC will probaly go, plus Pella,you and me. That makes four I know of, talk to you later.

dktarmac said...

Wednesday Night Ride

Lets leave from the usual Piggly Wiggly at 6 Sharp.

Planning the route to go back down 378 to Wise Ferry on to Beechcreek then the usual out to Priceville. From there depending on light we will figure it out. I think we can get 25 miles in.

bring tail lights.

Roubaix77 said...

I'll be there.

Anonymous said...

10 lb....BC is going and will drive, can take two bikes. Talk with the others and let's see how many are making the trip so we can work out the transportation and meeting time. I'll talk to you Thursday.

Anonymous said...

me and ck plan on going. it better if we can some way go in one car. if any body got 4bike rack. we can split gas and food.

dktarmac said...

To all riding the Assault this weekend, godspeed. Guys and Gals enjoy. I will be thinking about you all as I relax in Asheville at my boring Conference.

I am pretty sure Mr. 10 Pound will put the hurt on some of the locals and JocDoc has put in the Miles for a great ride. Ya'll go sho'em what Lexington Cycling is about. Our Iron Man BC is getting ready for September, so I expect a good outing from him. Post up results. CK get'em girl!!!!


Anonymous said...

I have a Thule bike rack that is made to hold 4 bikes. And I can get all 4 of us in my Saturn Vue if you all want me to drive on Saturday

cycle_todd said...

For those not doing the AOC on Saturday - anyone riding from the shop or Kmart?

Looking for an early AM ride before the weather gets nasty.

Roubaix77 said...

I will be riding from the shop @7:45am. Good luck to all doing the assault.

Roubaix77 said...

Anyone riding tonight?
6PM The Pig

Anonymous said...

I be at bike shop at 7.30 if not raining.

Rooskie said...

The Bakers Dozen is postponed until next Saturday. Looks like a locals ride. I'll be at the shop with OSP(tm) for a little road ride dealio if it's not pouring the rain.

Rooskie said...

As it were, I'm now having a bagel. Another Saturday morning wasted away due to the rain.

dktarmac said...

You said it brother. Rain Rain go away.

Who is riding Sunday? Post possible times so some might hook up.

Anonymous said...

sunday 3.00or 4.00 kmart

Anonymous said...

BC, Martin and I will go around 2:00 or 2:30 from K-Mart.

dktarmac said...

I can go at 2:30. I will meet you guys at Kmart.

Anonymous said...

2:30 from K-Mart it is. See everyone there.

Anonymous said...

Great ride Sunday with BC, Martin and his brother, 10 lb, and dktarmac. Except for Windmill a fairly flat 60 mile route to Monetta, back to Batesburg, then Gilbert via Broad St. to #1 and home. BC and I plan another long Sunday ride probably around 2:30ish if anyone is interested.

dktarmac said...

Ride from the "Pig" on 378 today 6PM sharp. Bring Tail Lights.

Anonymous said...

ride at 745 if not raining?

Anonymous said...

BC and I are riding Sunday from K-Mart at 2:30.

dktarmac said...

To all

The dktarmac klan is in the process of moving. I will be riding some, but not much of a schedule. Keep me in the loop and I will get out when I can but this will be a big effort for the Family.

Hopefully I can get back to a normal schedule in 2 weeks.

Regards Brothers and Sister


Anonymous said...

Yes, it was windy Sunday. BC and I did 67 Sunday taking in Gilbert, Monetta and Batesburg-Leesville. Averaged 15.5 on the way out, 23.5 on the way back. Next time we may just ride with the tailwind for 67 and let the wives come get us.
Have a great week.

Anonymous said...

Is there a plan for Sat. morning?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

10lb, BC and I are doing a long ride Sunday. What time can you go?

Anonymous said...

anytime im off sunday.

Rooskie said...

Is anyone riding Saturday morning? I'm good for like a 2 hour ride. Need to be back at the store by like 10:15. Any takers???

Anonymous said...

I'll be there, 8:00? Earlier works too.

Rooskie said...

If it's OK, lets try and leave at 7:45. I got something pressing at 10:15.

Rooskie said...

Okay, what's the deal for tjis Saturday? 8am at the store sound good???

Rooskie said...

Ride Report posted.

Anonymous said...

Wednesday night ride? 6pm at the Pig?

Rooskie said...

So, will there be a Saturday ride this week? Who are the players and what is the time? Anybody up for a 50 miler?
When will we see the return of BigLegDave(tm) ???

Anonymous said...

I'm game for Sat. morn. Someone pick a time and I'll see you then.

Roubaix77 said...

I'll be there @7:30ish. I'm good for about 35 miles. There may be a few newbies. I will be be doing my normal route. Don't let me influence your ride.

Jason said...

Missed you last Sat Roubaix77. Maybe I'll hook up with you guys next Sat. I'll be taking it easy tomorrow.

Dave, this is your official Stumpjump call out ... represent.

dktarmac said...

Looks like next Saturday I will return to the Lexington Peloton.

Don't think I haven't been on the bike.....

Anonymous said...

Need to do a 50-60 mile ride Sunday, can leave as early as 1:00 or later. Meet a K-Mart or Lex High school, the Pig, whatever suits.....let me know and we'll make a plan.

Anonymous said...

A long miserable ride Sunday with the wind in my face....except for the last 6 miles down US 1, which made up for all the aggravation. BC and I are off to do the last training ride for Mitchell Sat, see everyone next week. Wish us good luck for the 'Marquis de Sade'.

Anonymous said...

BC and I are riding Thursday, leaving from the K Mart parking lot at 4:45 if anyone would like to come along. Probably 30 miles or so at 18 mph, or there abouts.

Anonymous said...

I'm going to ride Thursday around 5:00, or a bit earlier/or later if that suits. Would like some company. Let me know and we can arrange to meet.

Anonymous said...

Lake Ride Sat. morn, 70+ miles. Meet at Lexington HS 7:00AM; BC, Hop, 10lb and me....come join us!

Anonymous said...

Anybody riding today? Can go about anytime after 2:00.

Anonymous said...

I plan on riding Thursday, anytime after 3:00. Later is better, too hot. Meet anywhere, let me know.

Anonymous said...

I'd be interested in riding around 6 or 6:30 from the Pig.

Anonymous said...

6:00 at the Pig works for me.

Rooskie said...

Anybody interested in a 7:30 ride from the store Saturday? Let's try to beat the heat...

Anonymous said...

Anyone want to ride tonight (Thursday) around 5:30 or 6:00? Meet at K-Mart or the Pig, let me know.

dktarmac said...

Who is riding in the Morning from the Bikeshop?

Anonymous said...

Anybody riding Sunday afternoon, 4 ish?

Anonymous said...

BC, Mike and I are riding from Lexington HS Sat. morn at 6:30, around the lake + some. BC is training for an Ironman in Wisconsin in Sept. so the order of the day is a long steady ride, no hammering. Come join us as we celebrate the holiday.

Roubaix77 said...

Wednesday leaving @6PM Sharp!

Anonymous said...

BTN ride Sat. morning....Dave would like to leave at 7:45AM sharp! See you there.

Anonymous said...

We had a group do the Assault on Little Mountain two years ago and it was great; let's get thinking about another group ride for this year. The Little Mountain Assault is Oct. 11 (a Saturday). Check your calendars and let's take another shot at the century ride.

surfyaker said...

I really need to ride this afternoon!! Is anyone else interested? Maybe from the "Pig" or from K-mart? Usual routes?

surfyaker said...

By the way, sign me up for the "Team" for the Assault on Little Mountain!

Anonymous said...

Anybody riding this afternoon, I would like to go around 6:00 if anyone is interested.

surfyaker said...

Anyone riding this afternoon? If any one is interested, I can be at the "Pig" at 6:00!!

surfyaker said...

So.........what's the story for tomorrow morning? Anyone riding? From where? What time?

Anonymous said...

Training ride for BC's upcoming Ironman Sunday morn leaving from Midway Elementary at 6:15AM. 100 miles at a steady pace, no hammering, but very few stops. We will probably avg. just over 17mph. Come join us for all or any part. (I understand some of the Bike store guys are planning a ride around the lake Sunday morning if that is more to your Dave at the store).

Anonymous said...

BC's last long ride before the Ironman is this Sat; looking at about 114 miles. The ride heads toward Irmo, Dutch Fork, Peak, Pomaria, around Lake Monticello and back. Great route with low traffic and rolling terrain. Avg. pace of 17+ mph with ONE STOP to refuel. Leave at 6:00AM from Midway Elementary. Come join us.

surfyaker said...

It's gonna be HOT Wednesday (101!) Anyone planning to ride from the "Pig"?

surfyaker said...

The forecast for Wednesday afternoon is an 80% chance of moderate to heavy rain by mid-afternoon. Anyone interested in riding Tuesday and/or Thursday afternoon?

dktarmac said...

I wouldnt mind a group ride on Thursday. When and Where? How about the Pig just like Wednesday night, but stretch the ride out?

surfyaker said...

Sounds good to me! Thursday evening at the "Pig" by 5:45, leave by 6:00 Thursday "just like Wednesday and stretch the ride out a little bit"! If anyone wants to ride this afternoon, lemme know!

surfyaker said...

Just a reminder.......due to the monsoon today, the Wednesday afternoon ride is being moved to Thursday! Come on out to the "Pig" and ride at 6:00.

surfyaker said...

Well, so much for trying to avoid the rain by riding on Tuesday. 10lb and I went out on the usual Wednesday route and soon found ourselves in a nice cooling drizzle. By the time we had made the turn on Hwy 1 back home, the real weather was hot on our heals. Patrick heard a loud clap of thunder and it was "HI HO Silver!" And he was away! Another big lightening bolt and torrential rain pouring down on us forced us to seak shelter in the peach packing shed and call Martin for a ride! Not a cloud in the sky today though and only a 10% chance of showers! Come on out to the "Pig" for our Wednesday night make-up ride! Usual time, usual place, "stretched-out" ride!!

Anonymous said...

Around the lake Sat. morning from Midway Elementary, starting around 6:15. Another long steady ride, avg. a bit over 17 mph with one stop only for refueling. A training ride for BC's upcoming Ironman, come join us!!

surfyaker said...

Fantastic ride yesterday. Only dktarmac, 10lb, and me made it out to ride. To bad more folks didn't make it because it really was a great ride! Temperature was great, the ride wasn't stretched out too far (added a short portion of Windmill and went to the IGA via Lewie Rd.)and our average speed was good!
Ride stats: 25.41mph; Time- 1:24:02; Avg.Spd-18.2mph; Max.Spd.-40.24; Avg.Cadence-77rpm; Max.Hrt.Rt.-183bpm; Avg.Hrt.Rt.-149bpm; and One Thousand, Five Hundred Twenty One calories burned!
Yep! Every ride needs to be like this one!

surfyaker said...

uhh........make that 25.41 MILES, not mph!!!

surfyaker said...

Yet another fantastic ride on Saturday morning for "BC's Training Ride!" Four of us met at Midway Elementary at about 6:00am and left about 20 minutes later. Took the backroads to the traffic circle then on around the lake and picked up another rider just outside Chapin. Overcast and foggy in some places, wonderful temperature (I don't beleive it got above 75 while we were riding!), good roads, good company all made for a great ride.

Ride Stats: Distance-74.4miles; Time-4:20; Avg.Spd.-17.01, Avg.Cadence-70rpm; Avg.Hrtrt-139bpm; Max.Spd.-35.9; Max.Hrtrt-173bpm; and a whopping THREE THOUSAND, NINE HUNDRED AND ELEVEN calories burned on this ride!!

Yep! A mighty fine ride!

Also, Laurens County Cycling Club is sponsoring the third annual "Flight of the Dove" cycling event that will benefit Hospice of Laurens County. The 2008 "Flight of the Dove" will be held in Clinton South Carolina (just up I-26 a little ways!)on Saturday August 23rd, THIS SATURDAY! There will be a metric century (65miles),a 30 mile ride and a 50 mile variation of the metric. All rides leave at 8:00 in the morning from Bailey Memorial Stadium on the Presbyterian College Campus. For more info, check out:

surfyaker said...

Wow!! Those Wednesday evening rides just keep getting better! We had SEVENTEEN riders show up at the "378 Pig!" It looked as if we were going to be in for some really bad weather at first, but we rode anyway and only encountered a little sprinkle on the way back. We rode the usual route in an unusual way!

Here are the stats:

Dist:22.51 miles; Time:1:10:27; Avg.Spd:19.17mph; Avg.Hrtrt:157bpm; Max.Spd:40.00mph; Max.Hrtrt:185bpm, and 1,345 calories burned!

If you didn't make this ride, make sure you make an effort to make the next one! They just keep getting better and better!

For Saturday, we may have a different ride, more than 50 miles, but less than 60! This one is guaranteed to become a classic!

Stay tuned!

surfyaker said...

Sorry I didn't get this ride posted before Saturday morning! The "BC Iron Man Training Support Team" Left Midway Elementary School at about 6:30am Saturday morning for the "Little Mountain-Peak Almost Metric". Another fantastic morning to be riding. The little bit of breeze that came through the parking lot was a little cool! It stayed just partly cloudy with a great temp for the entire ride. Here's how the ride went:

Midway Elementary to Peak – 26.2 Miles
Hwy. 6 across the dam and then Hwy. 60 into Irmo, left on Woodrow then right on Royal Tower Road to Broad River Road. Right on Broad River Road and across I-26 then left on Western Road to Koon Road then right on Old Tamah. Then Kennerly Road to Freshly Mill to Wash Lever Road to Broad River Road and then to R. Stoudemeyer Road into Peak.

Peak to Little Mountain – 10 miles
Hwy. 213 and right on Hwy. 176 then left on Hwy. 202 all the way into Little Mountain

Little Mountain back to Midway Elementary School – 20.8 miles
Hwy. 76 through Chapin then Whiterock on to Ballentine then Hwy. 6 across the dam and back home.

Traffic on 76 was a little busy at times, but all in all, it wasn't too bad. It was 60 miles at a real good pace with a nice pit-stop in Little Mountain.

Here are the stats:

Dist.-60.30miles; Time-3:20;
Avg.Spd.-17.8mph; Avg.Hrtrt.-143bpm; Max.Spd.-34.4mph; Max.Hrtrt.-173bpm; and I burned an awesome THREE THOUSAND, FIVE HUNDRED and SIXTY TWO calories on this ride!

Fantastic ride!

If you haven't ridden in the area, go do it sometime. I suspect that this particular ride will become a regular for some of us so stay tuned for the posts!

surfyaker said...

Hey, what can I say? These Wednesday evening rides are AWESOME! I think 12 folks showed up to ride in the cooler, albeit more humid, weather! Earlier in the day it looked as if we might get caught in the rain, but the clouds parted, the blue sky came out and it was another great ride!

Stats: Dist-22.48miles; Time-1:07:12; Avg.Spd.-20.1mph; Avg.Hrtrt.-154bpm; Max.Spd.-40.0mph; Max.Hrtrt.-179bpm; and ONE THOUSAND, FOUR HUNDRED AND TWELVE calories burned! Oh yeah.......

Daylight Savings Time doesn't end until October 31st so keep on coming out and let's make these rides last as long as they can!

Saturday ride from Bike to Nature at 7:45AM!

Anonymous said...

When Drafting goes bad
Good turn out last night with about 12 riders. The weather was nice and the pace was steady for the main part of the ride. Then the run down hwy 1.
We started out in a pace line with a nice speed all the way to Harmons. Climbing the hill I may have caused Caroline to loose some momentum, Sorry Caroline, But then someone in a Toyota pulled up and Hops and Patrick decided to draft them running around 30 mph.(uphill)
I was too far back to see it but Hops took a fall at the High school. He still finished the ride and seems to not have anything broken other than his helmet, gloves, and shorts, but that scrape on his leg is not going to feel to good. DK has a picture and hopefully he will post it. (note to self: do not draft Toyota's)

surfyaker said...

Well! Alrighty then! I'm telling you these Wednesday evening rides have all the elements that make rides great! Great company, great routes, exitement, and danger!! Once again, it was a great ride! Here are the stats:
Distance-22.5miles; Time-1:09:27; Avg.Spd.-19.5mph; Avg. Hrtrt. - 149bpm; Max.Spd.-37.8mph; Max.Hrtrt.-181bpm and a 1,366 calories burned!

You know, it's generally a goal of mine to just try to keep up with 10lb. I figure if I can hang with him (which I usually can't, he just lets me think I can!) my aerobic capacity goes up and up! Makes sense, doesn't it?! Besides that, I just like to go fast and 10lb definitely does that, as do the rest of the guys in the "faster group"! We all like to bring that average speed up a high as we can! That's one reason we fall into that blissful paceline to take advantage of our "team mates" slipstream and make it back to the start as fast and easily as we can!

Well, yesterday (and last night while waiting in the hospital!) I made a few observations about riding fast and riding in slipstreams to accopmlish that goal! Here are just a few of things to do and NOT to do on a Wednesday evening ride:
1)there is no doubt you can find cycling bliss in 10lbs slipstream; 2)riding in 10lbs slipstream can be dangerous!
3)never jump into the slipstream of a passing Toyota!
3)if you DO jump into the slipstream of a passing Toyota, make sure 10lb does not do this with you!
4)if 10lb jumps into the slipstream of a passing Toyota with you........LEAVE the slipstream IMMEDIATLY!! (this is obviously REALLY dangerous!
5)when you are riding fast and things go wrong, they go wrong in a really fast way and an exponentially more tragic manner!
6)not only can riding fast be dangerous, it can be really expensive!

Here are a few other observations I made after making the previous observations:
1) Bell Sweep Helmet - $129.00
2) Descente Strata bib shorts (only the third time these were worn)-$170.00
3) Pearl Izumi PRO gloves (I had just bought them Wed. morning!) -39.99
4) Specialized Flame Jersey - $65.00
5) Being able to walk away from a major "yard-sale" right in front of the Lexington High School on Hwy 1 with all the skin on my left side in tact and just the possiblility of a torn rotator cuff in my right shoulder............

NEVER, NEVER, NEVER underestimate the importance of wearing a good helmet and good cycling clothing. Although all that was described above can now be described accurately as "toast", I'm sure my injuries would have been much more severe had I not been wearing what I was......especially the helmet!

I'm not sure when I'll be riding again, but I'll leave you with this.........


surfyaker said...

OH! And 10lb, it wasn't your fault! Like I said, when you're going fast and things go wrong, they happen really, really fast and usually with more tragic consequences! S@^%# just happens and it did! It just happened! And, for the most part, I'm okay! I'll be back in your slipstream in no time! No worries mate!

I'll be back!

Anonymous said...

BC has completed his Ironman in Wisconsin! 2.4 mile swim in about an hour, 114 mile bike ride in about 7 hours, 26 mile run just under 5 hours; with transition time he completed the event in a little under 14 hours. Go to for precise race results. A truly amazing display of grit.
The Assault on Little Mtn. is Oct. 11, hope we have a big group planning to ride (maybe Hop will be healed up by then).

dktarmac said...

BC Rocks! How about that! Let me hear ya Lexington!!!!! That is Epic huge!! Way to go BC!

surfyaker said...

You said it DK! "That is EPIC huge!" Way to go BC! I can't imagine staying awake for that length of time, let alone swim, run, and ride for fourteen hours! Stamina, fortitude and true grit! You da man BC!

Anonymous said...

Another great ride on wednesday night, even though there were not as many riders as there have been. The only problem was a blown tire on St. Pauls Church road. Luckily someone came along and assisted Byron with a ride back to the pig. The head wind on Hwy 1 was strong, not much of a paceline to compensate, thanks John for teaming up with me to get back in. The sun is going down quick these days, Dave says ride faster, I think we need to set a date to get together after the ride and have a Beer,call it the last wednesday night ride for this season. Maybe Hop will be healed up and make the ride, or just drink the beer. Lets keep the good turnout going till the end.
Anyone put anymore thought into the Jerseys for the wednesday night riders? I'm not so sure about "Wild Hogs" but maybe "Sunset Cyclists" with some really evil graphics.(skulls and swords) Just kidding.(maybe) Post some suggestions.

surfyaker said...

Oh yeah! You must have been checking out the Rock Racing "Tour of Britain" jersey! Man! I LOVE that jersey! It almost makes me want to dish out the 200 bucks for one........almost! Yeah, I've been thinking a lot about a "Sunset Cyclist" jersey. I was thinking of a "patagonia" sunset with maybe, the SC palmetto and moon in the forefront with paceline or peloton racing off into the sunset! The BTN jersey is a great design, but the Sunset Cyclists need their own design!

I know the days are getting shorter, but I hate to cut the Wednesday evening rides off until it's absoutely, without question too late in the evening to ride! I say we start a little sooner!(5:30?) However, I think the "End of the Season Beer Ride" is a must do! If I can't ride, I CAN drink beer!

I saw an orthopedist yesterday and he said that he didn't want me moving my right arm above my head, out to the side, or putting weight on handlebars. ..sigh....I don't know, but I think I'm going to be up for a ride Sunday afternoon anyway! I don't do "still" very well! I'm itching to ride!

Rooskie said...

My band, TomFoolery, is playing at Hudson's Friday night from 7-10. It'd be great to see some biker friends out there. Then cap it off with a ride Saturday AM.

surfyaker said...

Today is Sunday, September 14, 2008. The high today is expected to be 94 degrees and and the humidity is expected to be around 69% with winds out of the Southwest at about 10mph. Is anyone interested in riding this afternoon? Maybe 20 or 30 miles? I won't be going hard, but, like I said earlier, I'm itchin' to ride! So, I'm just checkin' to see if anyone else is "just itchin' to ride"!

Anonymous said...

BC and I are riding Sunday afternoon after 3:00, probably around 4:30ish. If interested let me know and I'll post exact time and place.
Can't make it Sat. morn., if anyone is planning a Sat. afternoon ride let me know. Thanks.

dktarmac said...

Thanks for everyone's help after the mishap this morning. I am fine, the doctor used superglue on my face to close the cut/gash.

Don on the otherhand has a broken collarbone. Everyone check on him.

All is well and Heads Up things like this happen really fast. Nothing could have been done differently this morning. Stuff happens.

Anonymous said...

Today is sunday september 21st, I will be riding this morning starting from lewie rd. in Gilbert. I am leaving around 8:00 starting down hwy. 1 to old chapin to Beechcreek then following the wed. night route back to Lewie rd. If anyone is up and feels like riding catch up to me on the route and lets ride together for parts of it. Saves gas by not having to meet somewhere. I usually average around 17.5 mph or so, if you can time it out I'll see you out there.
I'm not sure what happened yesterday but I'm glad to here that DK and Don are ok.(minus the broken bone and some superglue)
Someone use this site to keep us informed on Don's progress.

dktarmac said...

Well, I am back, some swimmy headed days and strong super glue, I headed out on the Allez for a short spin tonight and felt great. No worries for DK. Don has surgery from what I understand on Thursday for his collar bone. Strong rider we will miss his horsepower this fall. Also a great guy to pull up next to and chat with.

Met up with Hopkins at the bike shop and compared notes and showed ashphalt tatoos tonight. He is ready to go. Tomorrow night looks check it out as the day progresses tomorrow. I may or may not ride havent decided. Weather will tell.

Roubaix77 said...

If you are planning on riding tonight please call the shop. I am going to tell everyone that the ride leaves @5:30. Unfortunately I will not be riding tonight. 808-3551.
The wind will make you stronger so don't be girls.

surfyaker said...

HEY! I thought there were TWO jersey designs to vote on! Ah, well.........

At any rate........Well ladies and gents, this Wednesday's ride was, perhaps something for the record books! Beautiful day, beautiful temps and, perhaps most important, NO ONE WAS HURT!!! YEAH!!! I think we're starting a trend here!

Ah, but seriously folks......we had about 10 riders show up to test themselves on the "Usual Route" and even though it was really windy (brutal head-wind on the way back in) we really tore it up!

Here are the stats:
Dist-22.52miles; Ttl Time-1:08:34;
Avg. Spd.-19.7mph; Max. Spd.-33.77; Avg. Hrt.Rt.- 157bpm; Max. Hrt.Rt.-179bpm. and ONE THOUSAND, FOUR HUNDRED and TWENTY FIVE calories burned!(I can almost see myself in just ONE mirror!)

Yep! This was a great ride for me! I really needed it physically and mentally! Another good ride with no injuries! That's how it should be! There has been a rash of accidents out there lately so let's make sure we're paying close attention to what's going on around us so that we don't have any more in the future! These crashes are painful, scary, and expensive. We don't need anymore! With that said, let's all keep Dave and Don in mind. We all hope that their wounds heal quickly and are back riding again soon!

Well, that's all for tonight folks! Catch you later, same bat time, same bat channel!

Be Safe Out There!

Anonymous said...

The Jersey looks good but I'd like to see some black in it, maybe around the sleeves or collar or back pockets. Let's see the one Hop drew and have a vote. I will be interested in one when all is decided. I may be able to talk my company into some sponsorship money but they don't have anything to do with bikes or outdoors.

It's Saturday and the weather is still ugly, I thought it would be cleared up by now. Anyway I'm riding sunday morning leaving Gilbert around 8:00, same route as last week, if anyone wants to meet up. I won't be riding fast or hard just a good steady ride enjoying the outdoors. I guess I'll be one of the sunday drivers(riders). I can make plans to stop and meet people along the route if you post time and place.

If anyone rides Sunday afternoon be careful, traffic starts getting crazy this time of year.

surfyaker said...

Man! Do I love this time of the year or what?!?! Wednesday's ride was superb! Let me tell you a little about the weather! I believe it was about 77 degrees with a wind chill of about 73 degrees. The sky was clear with a humidity of only 63%! Now that's what I call riding weather!

At 5:45 only four of us had shown up to ride and we questioned the wisdom of waiting too much longer so we hit the road. I truly hope we didn't leave anyone behind. If you showed up after we left, I'm sorry! If you decided not to show up at all, well, you missed another good one!

Here are the stats:

Dist.-22.46; Time-1:08:36; Max.Spd.-34.81mph; Avg.Spd.-19.64mph; Max.Hrtrt.-172pbm; Avg. Hrtrt.-157bpm and 1,418 calories burned.

According to the internet weather sites, sunset was at 7:08. This being the case, I'm going to suggest that everyone wanting to get in that Wednesday night ride meet at the Pig at least by 5:30 (it would be even better if we could leave the parking lot by 5:30) and try to leave as close to 5:30 as we can so that we have enough daylight to finish the ride. If anyone has any objections, suggestions, or questions, please, please post your thoughts!

Until next time, be safe out there folks!

Anonymous said...

BC and I are leaving from Irmo High school at 7:30AM; riding up around the Ballentine-Dutch Fork area. Leaving from behind the school near the tennis courts. Come join us.

Anonymous said...

Great ride this morning with the Ironman. 51 miles from Irmo to Peak and back. Great weather!!
Planning to ride Sunday from Lexington around 4:30 or a bit later. Will meet anywhere if someone is interested.

surfyaker said...

Alrighty! I hope everyone had a great ride yesterday, it certainly sounds like "Ironman and Company" had a great one! Actually, in this beautiful weather, who could have a bad one!!

We need to get Dave some feedback on "Sunset Cyclists" jerseys! Because they do take a while to get made up, we all need to let him know soon what we want so that we will have them by next season!

We also have some super rides coming up THIS month and next!

I hope everyone is aware that the "Assault on Little Mountain is next Saturday and, unlike previous years, this years Assault does NOT start at Dutch Fork Middle School! Instead it starts at the small but very nice "Reunion Park" on Mill Street in Little Mountain! Don't miss it, be there! Check out:

The next really cool ride is a metric century that starts at Harmon Field in Tryon, North Carolina called the "Tour de Leaves." This is just a two hour drive up the I-26 to exit 36 to Tryon. It's only a couple of miles from the exit to Harmon Field. Check out:

The next really good ride is the "Tour de Nantahala". Being just outside of Byson City, North Carolina,this is obviously farther away and will take a little more planning to get to. But trust me, this is a classic that is well worth the time and the planning to to ride! Check out:

Then we have to choose one of two great rides on the same day in November, November 8th, to be exact! The closest of the two is in Orangeburg and it appears to me that this one is destined to become a classic. It is the "The Rivers Bridge Ramble Bicycle Ride." Check out:

The other is a little farther away in Yemasee, just outside of Beaufort SC. This one is called the "Pathways Connects Century". This is another "classic" to finish off the season with! Check out:

Well, that's all for now! Keep these rides in mind, they are all really fun! See you Wednesday afternoon at the "Pig" on 378 at 5:30!! Remember, there are still great rides out there! The season isn't over yet! And, as always, BE SAFE OUT THERE!

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