This Blog in mainly for those that ride regularly with Bike To Nature. Anyone is welcome to comment.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Sunset Jerseys

They are here.


Anonymous said...

I think the jersey looks great. I would like to see some black on it, maybe around the collar, sleeves and maybe the back pockets. I think the red, white, and black should give it some contrast to stand out. I'll check with my company about some sponsorship.

Are we going to see the jersey from Hop?

Roubaix77 said...

We are looking at about $70.00 for full custom jerseys. That number is based on 6-12 Jerseys. If we can get more they will be cheaper. Let me know who is interested and who is willing to sponser. I can get Doug and Anytime Fitness. It will take about 3 Weeks. I am still tweaking the design alittle.

Anonymous said...

I'm interested, so count me in to buy one when they're ready.

dktarmac said...

Count me in too

surfyaker said...

Count me in! If you want me to talk to the guys at the Backpacker about a sponsorship, just let me know! I'll do it!

Roubaix77 said...

That would be great Surfyaker.

Roubaix77 said...

New update is posted. Once I get all the logos I can create a final rendering. Are we going to get a Backpacker logo?

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