This Blog in mainly for those that ride regularly with Bike To Nature. Anyone is welcome to comment.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Wednesday Ride

Will continue as long as there is plenty of light.


surfyaker said...

Well, it looks like "DK Tarmac" and I are rarin' to get the Wednesday rides going again! It looks like the high this Wednesday is expected to be about 73 degrees and sunny. Sundown is around 7:35 and it will probably be DARK at around 7:45. So, I'd say conditions are eminently favorable for the first Wednesday ride of the year to start on the 18th!! We can start at 6:00, but it's still a little early in the season so a 5:30 start would probably be preferable. Who else is going to show up at the Pig on Wednesday?? Post your thoughts!!

Anonymous said...

Unless the *&#@ job ties me down with heavy duty chain I'll be there.

Anonymous said...

What a great day to start the Wednesday night rides again. I enjoyed seeing the gang again and its good to see Caroline back on the bike. I have really missed these rides even though I still can't quite keep up (but getting better). I hope to see more of the riders from last year and have some large group rides. I have to admit my mood and stress levels were great today no matter how bad the work got, I don't think there is anything better than and good ride with friends.
See you next week.

surfyaker said...

You know, I really have to "echo" your sentiments "kickstand"! The first ride of any season should be that good! A ride like that ALWAYS reduces my stress levels and bring my blood pressure into a fantastic range! Beautiful days, perfect temps, good routes, and good friends........."it just don't git no better'n that!"

See you next week and until then, be careful out there!

dktarmac said...

Just talked to Dave, Tonight's ride will be cancelled due to possibility of rain. See you all next week, ride your trainers!!!!

surfyaker said...

Man! Is this weather great, or what?!? Fantastic! We had a huge crowd show up this past Wednesday at "the Pig" for some great riding. The weather was obviously a factor for the "lead" group as they finished up the ride with an average of about 20.6 miles per hour! I burned through about 1500 calories! Sweeeeeeet! Hope to see you all next Wednesday!

Kickstand said...

Wow! I agree with surfyaker, what a turnout for a Wednesday night ride. Had to be almost 20 riders. I just want to say it was great to see the familiar faces from last year, and plenty of new ones as well. I am going to start making sure I speak to everyone before "Takeoff" since this is probably the only time I will see that lightning fast lead pack.
I really enjoy these Wednesday rides and the more riders the better. I look forward to seeing everyone again next week.

surfyaker said...

Hi folks. As you may, or may not know, at the end of last Wednesday’s group ride, I fell victim to a brief encounter with oxygen deprivation. Although I came through this frightening episode okay, David Keller, sadly, did not. Being concerned about the most unusual effects of this episode, and of course, the well being of my friend, I looked through the Journal of the American Medical Association and found the most informative article. It’s pertinence to our Wednesday night group rides was just plain scary so I thought that I would share it with everyone so that we might all prevent incidents like that which occurred the other night. This is kind of long, but I believe it is important that everyone TAKE THE TIME TO READ THIS THROUGH, PLEASE!


Oxygen deprivation, otherwise known as cerebral hypoxia refers to deprivation of oxygen supply to brain tissue. Mild or moderate cerebral hypoxia is sometimes known as diffuse cerebral hypoxia. It can cause confusion and fainting, but its effects are reversible! Extended periods of cerebral hypoxia can lead to brain death or permanent brain damage.
Most cases of cerebral hypoxia are caused by a sudden change in brain oxygen levels. The body can normally respond to mild gradual changes in blood oxygen with little or no noticeable effect on brain function. The acclimatization process used by high altitude climbers is an example of such adjustment.


Cerebral hypoxia can be caused by any event that severely interferes with the brain's ability to receive or process oxygen. This event may be internal or external to the body.
Mild and moderate forms of cerebral hypoxia may be caused by various diseases that interfere with breathing and blood oxygenation. Severe asthma and various sorts of anemia can cause some degree of diffuse cerebral hypoxia. Other causes include work in nitrogen rich environments, ascent from a deep water dive, flying at high altitudes in an un-pressurized cabin, and intense exercise at high altitudes prior to acclimatization, or spinning too high rpm’s on your bicycle while attempting to draft behind Brad Poindexter, no matter what your altitude is.
Severe cerebral hypoxia and anoxia is usually caused by traumatic events. Examples include choking, drowning, strangulation, smoke inhalation, drug overdoses, crashing your bicycle at 35 mph while drafting Brad Poindexter in his Toyota van, attempting to draft behind Brad Poindexter on your bicycle as pedals furiously out of site ahead of you, causing your riding buddy (who is NOT Brad Poindexter!) to crash in the Piggly Wiggly Parking lot after hopelessly trying to draft Brad Poindexter on Highway 1.
A common cause of cerebral hypoxia is Brad Poindexter. This fact has necessitated the creation of another separate category of cerebral hypoxia. This is known as Diffuse Poindexterous Hypoxia soon to be known commonly as DPH.


The brain requires approximately 3.3 ml of oxygen per 100 g of brain tissue per minute. Initially the body responds to lowered blood oxygen by redirecting blood to the brain and increasing cerebral blood flow. Blood flow may increase up to twice the normal flow but no more. If the increased blood flow is sufficient to supply the brain’s oxygen needs then no symptoms will result. However, in the onset of DPH, more oxygen is required by the legs to keep up with the tireless jackrabbit (a.k.a. Brad Poindexter)! So, blood flow is directed completely, and, by the way, to no avail, to the legs thereby causing would be challengers to Brad Poindexter to feel faint, confused, sad, worthless, as a lesser being, subhuman, like throwing your bicycle into the nearest dumpster and walking home. Other symptoms include; difficulties with complex tasks such as being able to see your riding buddy entering the parking area to your left, cognitive disturbances that leads you to question “what’s going on?”, “what am I doing?”, and decreased motor control making you incapable of stopping as you fly across the Piggly Wiggly parking lot causing your riding buddy to crash into a helpless heap right in front of the Piggly Wiggly, in the parking lot. This, of course, leads to contagious DPH which causes your riding buddy’s skin to become blue, it may also have abrasions to the point of bleeding, perhaps profusely, become caked with sand, and even, yes folks, a broken helmet! All this can happen mere feet from your car while Brad Poindexter has already loaded his bike and returned safely to his home!
Objective measurements of the severity of cerebral hypoxia depend on how good Brad Poindexter is feeling that day. Blood oxygen saturation may be used for hypoxic hypoxia, but is generally meaningless in other forms of hypoxia, such as DPH. In hypoxic hypoxia 95-100% saturation is considered normal. 91-94% is considered mild. 86-90% is considered moderate. Anything below 86% is considered severe and is to be expected, should you try to draft behind Brad Poindexter on Wednesday Night Group Rides, regardless of where the ride may begin. On a side note, never, ever listen to Brad Poindexter as he rattles on about how tired he is at the start of the ride! This is a definite sign of a potentially dangerous situation.
It should be noted that cerebral hypoxia refers to oxygen levels in brain tissue, not blood. Blood oxygenation will usually appear normal in cases of hypemic, ischemic and hystoxic cerebral hypoxia. Even in hypoxic hypoxia blood measures are only an approximate guide – the oxygen level in the brain tissue will depend on how the body deals with the reduced oxygen content of the blood. This is where DPH differs tragically from other, more common forms of cerebral hypoxia. Because of the increased need for blood and oxygen in the legs, nearing the finish of the “ride”, those unfortunate enough to have tried to draft Brad Poindexter, find that no blood at all reaches the brain anymore and, of course, no oxygen. ALL blood and oxygen is rerouted to the legs in a futile effort to keep up with Brad Poindexter. These hapless neophytes will find that their blood has become thick and heavy and pooled in their legs causing momentary muscle failure, a profound sense of failure, lack of motor control, a total lack of self worth, as they stumble around the parking lot, or, try to help their hapless riding buddy from the helpless heap you have caused him to become in the middle of the Piggly Wiggly parking lot. And finally, just before all body functions shut down, all dignity is lost as you try to apologize to your hapless buddy and blame it all on Brad Poindexter.


The first goal of treatment is to drink cold beer. This method of restoration helps you forget your total worthlessness and the fact that people pity you and laugh at you because you are stupid for trying to draft behind Brad Poindexter. In more sever cases of DPH, inhaled oxygen along with other substances can also help lessen the feelings of inadequacy and sheer stupidity that comes after trying to draft behind Brad Poindexter.
Additionally severe cerebral hypoxia causes an elevated heart rate. In extreme cases the heart may tire and stop pumping. This is otherwise known as “just giving up!” CPR, defibrilation, epinephrine, and atropine may all be tried in an effort to get the heart to resume pumping but with DPH, in addition to the above treatment, a large order of chicken wings, hot, terri-hot, or scorching will help the victim come around. Keep in mind that seizures can accompany victims of DPH. In this case, continue to force the victim to drink cold beer until he or she stops flopping around.
Brain damage can occur both during and after oxygen deprivation. During oxygen deprivation, cells die due to an increasing acidity in the brain tissue (acidosis). In this case, “fighting fire with fire” may be an appropriate treatment. LSD has been found to create feelings contrary to what we all know happened out there on Highway 1. Additionally, during extended Wednesday Evening Group Rides, the longer period of oxygen deprivation can easily create free radicals build up. When oxygen enters the tissue these materials interact with oxygen to create high levels of oxidants. For older riders this is commonly known as “Dude, you are breaking down!” “You can’t hang with him (Brad Poindexter), why do you try! You’re crazy, you’re like a ship wreck on the bottom of the ocean, dissolving before our very eyes!”
Techniques for preventing damage to brain cells are an area of on-going research. Controlled hypothermia, anti-oxidant drugs, control of blood glucose levels, and hemodilution (thinning of the blood) coupled with drug-induced hypertension are some treatment techniques currently under investigation. But, hey, we all know what’s going on here! When riding with Brad Poindexter we know we SUCK!!! It doesn’t matter if I have a hyper cooling body suit complete with hypodermic needles constantly infusing my body with GU, I’m just never gonna be able to hang with this guy (Brad Poindexter)! I mean, c’mon! Who do I think I am, Lance Armstrong?!?!? Who does Lance think HE is, Brad Poindexter?
In severe cases it is extremely important to act quickly. Brain cells are very sensitive to reduced oxygen levels. Once deprived of oxygen they will begin to die off within five minutes. So my advice to anyone stupid enough to try to draft Brad Poindexter, hurry to the closest bar, drink the coldest beer they have, roll yourself a fat doobie, and get in touch with guy on the corner for a few sheets of LSD! As a matter of fact, do this and just forget about riding with Brad Poindexter and just stay home! What the heck, you’ll have a more euphoric finish after this “workout”!


Mild and moderate cerebral hypoxia generally has no impact beyond the episode of hypoxia. Severe DPH is another matter. Outcome will depend on the success of damage control measures (i.e., quality, quantity and temperature of the beer, quality, quantity of wings, and yes, if needed, the quality of LSD), the amount of brain tissue deprived of oxygen, and the speed with which the ice cold beer was administered to the brain.
The effects of certain kinds of severe generalized hypoxias may take time to develop and this can be especially true for DPH. For example, the victim may continue to return to Wednesday Night Groups Rides seeming fine, however, midway through the ride when Brad Poindexter begins to put the heat on, the hapless victim obviously begins to display symptoms of cognitive disturbances as he begins to run on “automatic” and begins to once again, try to draft Brad Poindexter. long term effects of DPH are not usually immediately known and may take several weeks to appear. Recent research suggests this may be due to an autoimmune response, much like that which causes greyhounds to chase the electric rabbit until they fall over dead. Yes, this can also happen while trying to draft Brad Poindexter.
If DPH results in coma, the length of unconsciousness is often used as an indication of long term damage. In most cases though, coma can give the victim an opportunity to assess why he rides a bike at all, why in the world he would want to punish himself in Brad Poindexter’s slipstream. This, is an opportunity to heal. However, in general, the longer a coma continues the greater the likelihood that the person will remain in a vegetative state until, once again, showing up at the Wednesday Evening Group Rides to be beaten senseless all over again. Even if the patient wakes up, brain damage is likely to be significant enough to prevent a return to normal functioning, but you know this because the idiot showed up at “the Pig” again the very next week.
The effects of long term DPH induced comas are not limited to the comatose person. Long term coma can have significant impact on their families. Families of DPH victims often have idealized images of the outcome based on Hollywood movie depictions of coma. Adjusting to the reality that the victim will return time after time to the Wednesday Night Group Ride to go through this degrading, humiliating ritual of muscle wasting may be difficult. Treatment decisions often involve complex ethical choices and can strain family dynamics.
In conclusion, please, please, please be aware of this very dangerous situation and follow the best prescribed method of prevention: DO NOT TRY TO DRAFT OR MAKE YOURSELF BELIEVE THAT YOU CAN KEEP UP WITH BRAD POINDEXTER!
See what I meant when I said that this article was incredibly pertinent to our group! Well, with knowledge comes power! I hope this has help shed some light on what can happen on ANY group ride that includes Brad. Just keep this in mind and BE CAREFUL AND SAFE OUT THERE!

Hey DK! I am sooooooooooooooooooooo sorry! SOOOOoooooo sorry! Take care and heal up well before the ride on the 9th!

Kickstand said...

Thanks Hop for the informative blog about DPH. I used to feel I had a similar condition called KUH (keep up with Hop)were I also had thoughts of throwing my bike into a ditch and walking home. I overcame my condition when Brad Poindexter started riding on the Wednesday night rides and was so much faster than I ever hoped to be I just realized that I will just ride my ride and watch the rest of that front (elite) pack suffer as I had done in the past. I am now over my KUH and know I will never have DPH do to the fact that I am way too slow to even imagine drafting Brad.
I hope the information Hop has given us will help us all avoid DPH. IF I remember correctly Hop and I wrote warnings about this terible disease last year (When Drafting Goes Bad)
funny how Bad is only one letter away from Brad.
Any way I wanted to say again it is great to see so many riders on Wednesday night, I always enjoy seeing and meeting the new ones. As far as I am concerned the bigger the group the better. I also would like to say it is better when we can chat about the ride afterwards so it works out great that that front, elite (Brad drafting group) added a few extra miles to their ride so we can end around the same time and share some stories and friendship.
Thanks again Hop for that funny story about Brad and DPH, I may read that again and again just for a good laugh.
As for DK, I hope the scrapes heal soon and we see you riding as usual.
Please be careful out there, that DPH may be contagious.

big_ring_pusher said...

So can someone give me the skinny on this ride...avg pace / distance?? trying to see if it'll meet my UE training needs. Held each Wed @ 6pm?

surfyaker said...

We meet at the Piggly Wiggly on 378 as you're leaving Lexington toward Saluda. We try to meet early enough to leave the parking lot at 6:00. The usual ride is about 22.5 miles and the faster group will cover that at a 19 to 21 mph pace. Sometimes the route will get stretched out to about 25-30 miles, if folks are feeling really froggy! Last night we did 25 miles at 20mph.

Blue Pinarello said...

Hope to see the same group next week!! Go Brad!!

Blue Pinarello said...

What are your UE training needs ?? Need to elevate my riding schedule overall. Try to meet next Wed@6

big_ring_pusher said...

UE is for ultra endurance....the style mtn bike racing I prefer of the 6, 12, or 24 hour variety.

Blue Pinarello said...

Wed ride is no UE

big_ring_pusher said...

Is this the place to check for the latest on this week's ride status regarding any weather issues?

surfyaker said...

You can usually find info regarding ride cancellations here on the blog site, but to be sure, call Dave at Bike To Nature. He can tell you.

Kickstand said...

Great weather, great route, great company, stress level lowered, what more can you ask for. I enjoyed meeting the new riders this week and as always seeing the regulars. Another good turnout this week which is making this ride better and better. My Saturday rides are longer and I really like my new route but this Wednesday night ride has become my favorite. It's nice to see what I call "Friends", chat a little, and then get down to some cycling. Hope to see you all next week.

Kickstand said...

Not that it will change things for everyone else but I won't be able to ride this wednesday night. I have to go to school. Someone post some stats and info so I can live vicariously. However I am organizing a ride for this Saturday morning for anyone who wants to ride a little slower than the regular bike shop ride. I would like to leave Lexington High School at 9:00 am for a 40 mile ride, going across the Dam and then back on some of the regular Wednesday night route. It will be a "Keep the Group together Ride". If anyone is interested post a comment on either the Wednesday ride or Saturday ride blog.

Kickstand said...

I will be doing the An alternate Saturday morning ride again this week. Everyone is welcome. We will leave Lexington High School at 9:00am for about 40 miles, keeping the group together. Last week average was 16 mph with 6 riders.

Blue Pinarello said...

After stemming off route with Brad -- I was dropped on a nice hill. And spent the ride chasing back down Hwy 1. It was good working off the back (again), but the heat got to me finishing in the town of Lexington. I shutdown and quit.

Blue Pinarello said...

Maybe next week.

Blue Pinarello said...

Willing to commit to a last-minute ride decision today if anyone is wanting to meet at the Piggly Wiggly and ride -- 6:00 or 6:15 ??

Blue Pinarello said...


Blue Pinarello said...

Well Brad and myself turned this week's Wednesday evening RAIN RIDE into a Thursday evening RAIN RIDE. Half the ride was good and the remainder was good and WET. Thunder and lightening strikes does motivate one to keep the pace somewhat up.

Blue Pinarello said...

No RAIN please. Ready to go all out this Wednesday for TIME vs DISTANCE vs ENERGY vs MINDSET.

Blue Pinarello said...

I whole heartedly recommend FRS -- healthy energy drink that restores muscles during the workout. Do look into it and try for yourself *** ***
My legs would not give out on this latest Wednesday ride -- testing FRS was a success. I am sure that this was my fastest ride to date and the hottest temperature also. Although I will use only half of the servings with water from now on -- the one and a half bottles consumed with double servings worked well. You can order a free trial from the website or pickup products at the Vitamin Shoppe on Harbison Blvd.

Blue Pinarello said...

This Wednesday -- planning to "clock" distance on the usual route after crossing Old Cherokee (Wise Ferry) back to the High School entrance "hill" (Hwy1). Focusing on a faster pace for the overall distance. Planning to ride whether theres RAIN OR NOT.

Blue Pinarello said...

Revised ride plan Wednesday -- planning to "clock" distance on the usual route after crossing Old Cherokee (Wise Ferry) and will finish coming down Hwy1 then LEFT on Wise Ferry back to Old Cherokee (Wise Ferry). Route is exactly 22 miles from Old Cherokee back to Old Cherokee -- route is 19.5 from Old Cherokee to the Lex High entrance at the "flashing" intersection light. Aim is to finish between Lex High and Old Cherokee under 1 hour (or better).

Blue Pinarello said...

Kickstand said...

I have school again this Wednesday and Thursday night. Anybody want to ride Tuesday night around 6:00 or 6:30? I can meet you at the IGA in Gilbert on along the route. Probably Priceville to 378 and back up #1, or I can change up if you want to meet along the route somewhere. Post a comment and let me know.
Thanks for the tip on the Road Id. It is always good to have your regular id. on you but this will also give contact info. Probably ordering mine this week.

Slow_Old_Man said...

If work does not ruin my plans I'll ride this afternoon with you kickstand, I will call you around 5:00.

Kickstand said...

Thanks for riding with me Tuesday night Greg but I am going to have to change your name to "Hammer" or "Hill Killer". Even though I was tired you managed to push me hard enough to get an 18.6 mph average for 27 miles. Let me know if you want to ride the 50 mile Gilbert-Dam loop this Saturday.

Blue Pinarello said...

Wednesday Gilbert route. "Clocked" distance for a square 22 miles from Old Cherokee back to Old Cherokee -- time was 66 minutes for 20.02 mph. "Clocked" distance for a square 19.5 from Old Cherokee to the Lex High entrance at the "flashing" intersection light -- time was 58 minutes for 20.16 mph. Aim will be to finish at Old Cherokee (22) under 1 hour (or better). Today was a decent start.

Slow_Old_Man said...

Robert I didn't read your msg until 5:40 AM me if you get this soon enough...I'm leaving at about 6:30-7:00 Sat AM to is now 5:40 AM Saturday.

Blue Pinarello said...

Wednesday July 8 group ride was rained out ?? A rare instance to be the lone show -- nobody else showed. I did the 22 mile (Old Cherokee back to Old Cherokee) same group route 1 hour 6 minutes.
No rain -- not a drop during the ride. Half the roads were dry. Straight on head wind coming down Hwy 1. It was a good day to ride.

Blue Pinarello said...

Wednesday July 15 group ride garnered five riders ?? We did the regular route -- somewhat ideal temperature. Three of us added a detour in Hallmark Shores and two others continued ahead. The three eventually caught back up with the others at the Priceville/Hwy 1 intersection. It was a good ride with a comfortable cross wind coming down Hwy 1. It was another good day to ride. 17 to 19 mph pace.

Blue Pinarello said...

I got my Road ID today. Who wants a discount coupon to order yours ??

Blue Pinarello said...

Certainly felt my heart racing by the end of Spool Wheel Rd -- good sprint. Great group and great return down Hwy 1, although I had a moment of weakness (blew up) after bridging a gap with R77 just before the High School.

Blue Pinarello said...

Started a biweekly Time Trial 11.6 miles starting from Lex High going up Hwy 1 to Priceville Rd and back to intersection of Charter Oak Rd.
Planning to ride extra miles before the start time at 6:00. Two of us from Wednesday evening ride have started TTT and more are welcome. Riding as Team TT.

Kickstand said...

I took off on a spur of the moment ride Sunday morning, planning my usual 40. Going up Lewie road was very comfortable, a good warm up, and just a slight breeze to keep me cool. I took the turn onto #1 going toward Lexington and the bike just stopped, which was unusual since I was going down hill. Really nice head wind all the way to the damn. Feeling a little tired from pushing wind all the way there I decided to change up my usual route, do a direct 180, and let the wind carry me back to Gilbert. I know this type of thinking can get me frustrated, since the Lexington Vortex will cast it's spell and I will have a headwind all the way back. My next sentence would normally be "!&$# head wind" but this time the Vortex let me slide, I actually picked up the average going back and really enjoyed the ride. Sunday was a great day for riding, just like most days during the summer.
Anyway I actually sat down to write and see if anyone would be interested in going to Goodfella's after one of the upcoming Wednesday night rides? If I remember right from last year the Nacho's and wings are pretty good, the beer is cold and the prices aren't that bad. If anyone is interested, post some proposed dates and lets make it happen. I am sure tommorow night will be too soon but maybe next week. If we get some interest we can call the people who don't read the blog and invite them as well.

Kickstand said...

I haven't heard anything about us getting together after the Wednesday night ride for some food and beverages, so I am going to suggest this wednesday night coming. We are running out of daylight so the rides are limited. Everybody is invited so if you know someone who would like to come give them a call.
On another note: To all the people who bought the Sunset Cyclist jersey's, I would love to have a picture made with all of us. Maybe we could all wear our jersey's next wednesday night and someone with a good camera could take a couple of pictures, or maybe we could set something up to meet at the shop one day since they are one of the sponsors. My company also sponsored so they may want to put up a picture somewhere.(If the Lenzing logo is visible it could go global)
Let me know what you think. Probably all the sponsors would like to have a picture.

surfyaker said...

Sounds like an excellent idea to me! I'll be there Wednesday with my Sunset Cyclist jersey on!

Matt Tag said...

How did it go with the jerseys? I couldnt make it due to Cross Country.

surfyaker said...

Really didn't have a good turnout and I think only one person wore the Sunset Cyslists jersey! I think we just need to schedule a real "Sunset Cyclists" end of the season get-together. We could meet at a local "eatery" or gather at someone's home for, hhhmm....I don't know, maybe an oyster roast or something! We just need to see who is interested! In other words, those that are interested, please post your interest and ideas!

Matt Tag said...

I am in. When and where? We need to give it a few weeks to a month to spread word.

Kickstand said...

Count me in as well. I would really like to have this done and if someone would like to have a get together at their house I would put in my share of money or bring food to contribute. No oysters though. Yuck!!! Maybe we could meet at the bike shop for the photo and go somewhere to eat after, or maybe just have the picture done at the party hosts house. Anyone willing to host and have a good camera? No matter what I'll do everything I can to be there and help with the party if needed.

surfyaker said...

WHAT?!?!?! You don't like oysters?!?!?! Are you a communist? This is South Carolina bro, oysters are a right of delicacy here! If you don't like 'em, you need to learn to love 'em!! ;-)

Ah....but seriously folks..the season for oysters is really upon us and oyster roasts are always fun! And I know they're gonna be good this season. I usually have a couple of fire-pits with nice fires going, a big table with lots of food and we let the good times roll! If everyone brings a covered dish (and donations for the oysters!) there will be plenty of food for those that don't want to eat oysters!! It always works out well. We can even do a "Beaufort Stew" (or a low country boil, whatever you want to call it!) to make sure those that don't like oysters get enough to eat!

Alright, I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say I'll have it at my house, if this is what everyone wants to do. I just need to know a good date to have it (a Friday or Saturday night) and how many are coming and will eat oysters! Let me know........we need to fire up some interest here!

Kickstand said...

Saturday's nights are usually better for me but I can be flexible and do Friday night if that's what everybody else wants. I will even show up early and help with the set up if needed and my wife makes a really good potato salad so I will volunteer her cooking services as well.
If not too many people are interested we can meet somewhere like Carolina Wings or maybe venture out to Copper River Grill. The food is huge and the prices small.
I say at least 2 Saturdays(or Friday's) from now.

Matt Tag said...

I am down for either. 2 to 3 weeks would be good...that way we can spread word at the rides

CK said...

Count me & Martin in on the pot luck/oyster roast... DO NOT HAVE IT ON OCT. 17... Any other Saturday is fine.

Kickstand said...

Anybody up for leaving a little early tonight? It's getting pretty dark by 7:30 so Byron and I would like to leave by 5:45 latest. If nothing else He and I can leave and Hop and the group can play houndog chasing the rabbits.

surfyaker said...

Alrighty then.......guys, I have been watching the weather closely, but intstead of getting better, it's been getting worse. Oyster roasts definitly go better as an outdoor event, but not in the rain! They are forecasting fairly heavy rain for Saturday evening. Shall we shoot for another Saturday when the weather looks like it's going to be better?! I'm still game to have it at my house, just not with rain!!! Let me know any thoughts you have!

Matt Tag said...

yeah man. Lets post pone it. Do we need a sign up sheet for stuff to bring? We could leave one at the shop maybe...

Kickstand said...

Anybody riding this Wednesday? I am planning on it, but bosses from Austria are here and can change my plans for any reason. If I ride I would like to leave at 5:30, if anybody wants to go with me let me know.
As for the Oyster Roast, I am still in. Any Saturday is fine with me but I think Caroline said no to this weekend coming. I haven't seen much interest though.

Matt Tag said...

Depends on cross country. might not have a meet...if thats the case, I am there. How can I get a hold of you?

Kickstand said...

Call me at work. 520-5354 is my direct line. I am rarely at my desk so just leave a message if I don't answer.

Kickstand said...

Too wet for me tonight. Maybe next week or Saturday. Weather permitting.

surfyaker said...

Hey everyone!


I just now thought about getting this info out to everyone, but TOMORROW is the "Tour de Leaves" in Tryon, NC! It is a fantastic metric century through some gorgeous country. It's not quite a two hour drive to Tyron up I-26 and the ride doesn't start until 9:00!! Great ride! Check it out at:

Next up on October 24th is a real classic! The "Tour de Nantahala"! If you're going to do this one (and you really should!) make sure you're in shape! The big ride is 107 miles with two unbelieveable climbs, the worst comes at mile 80!! But talk about a beautiful, well supported and fun, they really don't get any better than this! If you don't want to do both horrific climbs, they have two shorter routes that include only one big climb! One is 65 miles and the other is 45 miles. Unfortunately, this isn't a day trip. You'll want to stay for at least Friday night and if you want to enjoy all the celebration, you'll want to stay Saturday night also! Check it out at:

surfyaker said...


Hi everyone!

Check out and be sure to sign up for this great ride! Beginning and ending at Lexington High School, this ride takes you over the dam do Dutch Fork High School, on to Peak, along Parr Reservoir, over to Little Mountain, then around the upper part of the Lake to the traffic circle and then back to the High School on low traffic back roads. There will also be 62-72 mile route, a 30 mile route and a 15 mile route. Also, if you're a Facebook junkie, look up the Tour de Midlands on FB! There is a fan page and an events page. Sign up for both and then come out and join us on May 15th for a ride that is sure to become a classic!

See you there!

Matt Tag said...

I am ready to ride! Who is riding Saturday? I know there is an organized ride that many at BTN are working but I will not be able to make it. Thinking of leaving at 7:30am from BTN maybe.


surfyaker said...

Is anyone going to ride on Wednesdays anymore? I apologize... I did forget last night was Wednesday night, but I promise I will be out there from now on! C'mon guys, let's ride!

Kickstand said...

I was waiting on someone to post the start date for this season. I will be in Boston this week but should be ready for next week. I have been looking forward to Wednesday nights all winter.

Matt Tag said...

I should have no problem coming out most wednesdays. See yall this week? What time are we kicking off?

dktarmac said...

Time to fess up that my fitness isnt there and wont be til May, dealing with some fun stuff with the kiddos. Baseball! I have a work conflict this coming week, but am riding spotty. Will be there soon guys!

Matt Tag said...

Who will be there this week? I will be there, anyone else?

surfyaker said...

Hi guys! If you're a Facebook junkie.....check out the Sunset Cyclists Facebook page and post any rides you are doing or want to do, request some company on your ride, or just discuss riding related "stuff" with others!

Kickstand said...

Is anyone riding this Wednesday night? I am planning on being there and starting at 6:00. I have been traveling but I am ready to ride.
Let's get this ride picked back up and get some more riders.
Anyone thought about leaving from the High School? We could go down to Wise ferry and cut through so we can stop going down that crowded, pot hole ridden road back to the Pig? It's not like we go in the store or drink Beer afterward.

Matt Tag said...

I am down for 6. I can leave from anywhere, we need to get the word out at the ride for a few weeks b/c many people dont check this

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